It can be challenging to identify a distant bald eagle in flight, but there is an easy way to tell an eagle from a vulture or hawk. While large hawks soar with raised wings and turkey vultures hold their wings in a shallow V-shape, the bald eagle soars with its wings essentially flat....
Turkey vulture eggs may be taken by mammalian predators, includingraccoonsandfoxes, but adult birds have few predators. Some, however, fall victim toeagles, hawks, andowls. Turkey vultures are common throughout their range. Globally, thespeciesis made up of several million birds, and thus it ...
Though birds of prey (such as hawks, eagles, and turkey vultures), along with bears and raccoons, will occasionally prey on both adults and juveniles, raccoons, crows, ravens, as well as hawks and eagles, will eat great blue heron eggs. To increase their survivability, great blue herons ...