We actually do have a turnout for the 2017 leadership election (Labour 404s it but someone kept a copy for Wiki): link to web.archive.org which gives 62.3%. Based on the 17,664 members who voted this gives a membership of 28,353. Of course that assumes that all classes of voters...
The biggest and best known of them all was Wikileaks, founded by a mysterious figure named Julian Assange, who Ecuador granted asylum in 2012 despite the protests of Great Britain, as reported here by the Daily Mail. Wikileaks would emerge as a major force in American and global politics as...
In the summer and autumn of 2011 Humza Yousaf was a backbench MSP. 2012 was the year of the foundations, when the caissons (and cofferdam sections for the Central Tower) were carefully located using minute GPS positioning to allow work to begin on the marine foundations for the towers and ...
I know that it is first-hand – without being Jennifer Aniston – because every time I have to vocalise (when prompted) that I won’t ever be getting married, the reactions I usually get make me feel like I’m either the bearded-woman at the Victorian freak show, or I’m accidentally...
show location of mouse pointer when I press the control key also on the wiki is the random name picker (or random vocab word classtools random name/word picker kml files – things like timezones can be contained in kml files you can turn on and turn off some of these overlays if you ...
Web2.0 document handout is a wiki – David uses his wiki handout to show use of a wiki. Can be edited and updates as people edit it. Can add blogs after attending presentation through editing wiki 2.0 conversation as opposed to old web – library ...