The meaning of WING is one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also : such an appendage (as of an ostrich) even though rudimentary or modified so no longer having the power of
The meaning of WING is one of the movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which a bird, bat, or insect is able to fly; also : such an appendage (as of an ostrich) even though rudimentary or modified so no longer having the power of
wingperson blesseraubras 2. wing(travel fast): towingone'sway voler right-wingADJPOL right-wingattitudes,party dedroite wing chairSUBST wingchair bergèrefàoreilles wing nutSUBSTTEC wingnut écroumàailettes left wingSUBST+sing/plurvbPOL restrain someone; to reduce or put an end to someone's privileges. (Alludes to clipping a bird's wings to keep it from flying away.)You had better learn to get home on time, or I will clip your wings.My mother clipped my wings. I can't go out tonight. ...
Closeup of Raw Chicken Wings with a Sprig of Rosemary partem1986 person eating glazed chicken wings at a restaurant BlackBoxGuild Burning Wings Isolated On Black Background V4 moonon Preening its left side and wing during sunset in the middle of a rice paddy; Black-winged Stilt, Him BlackBo...
Click on the pictures to check. Explore topics Hard science Elements Earth sciences Design See all topics Word of the day blatant something bad that is blatant is very clear and easy to see, but the person responsible for it does not seem embarrassed or ashamed Longman...
line' where customers would share a phone line. There was the possibility that if you picked up the receiver to place a call, another person who shared your party line would be talking to someone else, which meant you had to wait your turn.See how today's kids react to a rotary phone...
The types on either side of your Enneagram personality type will have an influence on your type. Generally, one of the types will have more of an influence than the other.
Adreamistoapersoniswingsaretoabird.() A.that B.which C.what
Keep on dreaming, Ariel. Of course, this being a Disney romance, it isn’t long until the “Your” in the song’s name becomes specific to one person – a man. You could surmise that rather than fulfil her original dream of exploring the surface world like she has the sea, Ariel ins...