Wings of hope. (handicapped and ill children are offered free flights by Challenge Air, a nonprofit group)Dyson, Marianne JUs Kids
Wings of Love, Inc. A 501c3 Nonprofit Corporation Serving Our Community Since 1996. Health, Wealth, Wisdom and Freedom for a Better World! EIN 95-4602120
Every gift will be a message of hope and care, not only helping to provide needed food, medical supplies, and protective equipment and responding to other emergency needs but also expressing God’s love in a tangible way to His people. Learn More EXPERIENCE Israel First-Hand The Israel ...
The Wings for Wishes Academy is a nonprofit (501c3) where 100% of your donation will provide a child or several children with complete programs that overcome poverty of the mind by planting seeds ofgreatness and visions of success. Thank you for your donation ...
By incorporating the nonprofit’s signature purple color and butterfly imagery throughout the mural, the journey of a mother and child is brought to life in the three artwork panels. The design illustrates the security and comfort WINGS can provide, as well as the “hope...
This afternoon, I am flying in one of only two remaining B-24s that are operational. I have the group on the ground to thank for this flight. They are members of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF), a nonprofit organization based here in Midland, Texas, that restores old warplanes and tea...
the high-stakes election of 2020 finally spurred sorkin to find the right vehicle to bring the show back: a live theatrical performance of a classic episode, involving much of the original cast, and with proceeds going to when we all vote, michelle obama ’s nonpartisan nonprofit designed to...