After his therapist pronounces him fully recovered from his break-up with Alex, Brian plunges back into the dating world and Antonio insists he go along. Meanwhile, Lowell prepares a commencement address for his Alma Mater and Casey has trouble getting a good haircut. Tuesday, October 18th, 1...
That elusive "spark" that is missing from their first three dates finally comes to life when Brian breaks up with her. Meanwhile, Lowell prepares a commencement speech address for his alma mater and Casey has trouble getting a good haircut. Show more Where to Watch Episode 5 The Waxman ...
" director of marketing and PR Brad Bisbing told "Michele Lang, our graphic designer, designed the logos. The way she made the drum and the blue cheese on the hat to form the 'B' is beautiful."
Teenager boy, he is in a hair salon. Satisfied, looks at himself in the mirror. He made a modern haircut HD Close-up face of a teenager boy, he is in a hair salon. Satisfied, looks at himself in the mirror. He made a modern ...