When news arrives that Sandy Cooper is returning to Nantucket, Joe fears her high school obsession with him will return but the others think he's imagining things. Meanwhile, Antonio tries to raise money to send to his family and Roy is worried about a visit from his cranky mother. Thursday...
Sorry to be such a lazy arse but things have been a bit frantic here and I honestly didnlt realise the Edinburgh march was so close. I don;t want to drive as last time we went to the park & ride at Hermiston and it was a total fuckin nightmare getting back, there were no buses...
We started the set w/ the new tunes as always and I blew some clams out of terror (always smiling tho') but they're getting better. Having people directly in back of me watching my every move didn't help either, but the rest of the set went pretty well altho' I felt I played li...