The Wingfeather Saga follows Janner, Tink, and Leeli Igiby in a thrilling four-book journey through Skree’s Glipwood. Though Janner had always considered life in Glipwood dull, his perspective changes drastically when his brother Tink stumbles upon a map that leads to the Jewels of Anniera...
Andrew Peterson began the publication of Wingfeather Saga series in 2008 when On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness, the first book in the series was published. The series lasted four books concluding in 2014 when The Warden and the Wolf King the fourth novel in the series was published...
This detailed companion is essential to all who travel to the lands of Skree, and a must-have for all Wingfeather Saga fans. Now with all-new illustrations! Sketcher, adventurer, disguiser, and sneaker Ollister B. Pembrick roamed all of Skree with a sketchbook and pen, searching behind eve...
The newest installment in The Wingfeather Saga… The Prince of Yorsha Doon The Prince of Yorsha Doon tells the story of Safiki—already beloved by thousands of Wingfeather fans—as he emerges from his life of solitary freedom and becomes an accidental hero. Releasing August 13, 2024 Pre-...
Leeli & The Sea Dragon Song: Directed by Bill Breneisen. With Alkaio Thiele, Griffin Robert Faulkner, Kevin McNally, Romy Fay. It's Dragon Day in Glipwood and visitors come to hear the migrating sea dragon song. Janner is in charge of his siblings, but r
《Wingfeather Saga 4-Book Bundle》_Andrew Peterson_Twenty-Seven • A Trap for the Igibys_掌阅小说网
Over the past couple of months, a small crew of us here at Soma Games have been secretly developing aRobloxadaptation ofThe Wingfeather Saga, calledAdventures in Glipwood! For those that don’t know,The Wingfeather Sagais a book series by Andrew Peterson that has recently been adapted into ...
Get to know the faces behind Janner, Nia, Podo, and other beloved characters in Wingfeather Saga Season 2.