I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times, and that seems to happen when I install this particular program. No abnormalities have been found in other installation programs. I don't know if the problem was on winget or the package, but I decided to raise the issu. Steps to reprodu...
类别:根据命令的功能将其进行分组,如“程序包管理”、“源管理”、“搜索与查询”等。 命令:具体操作命令,如install,upgrade,uninstall等。 选项:该命令下的可用选项,通常是某些功能的附加参数。 描述:对命令或选项的简要说明,帮助用户理解其作用。 示例:展示具体如何使用该命令或选项,帮助用户更好地理解命令格式和...
这是一款帮助开发者在 Windows 上快速安装包的工具,支持搜索、显示和安装软件包等功能,命令简单 winget install <tool>。 收录于: 第50 期 标签: 包管理器 微软 Windows CLI 评论 没用过 用过 评分: 发布 暂无精选评论立即登录 微信扫码赞助本站 服务器还剩248天 +1年 : 推荐项目 换一换 xonsh/xonsh 8.5...
winget install results in 0x80d03002 : unknown error (#1076), similarity score: 0.77 - I can install applications from the Winget source, but it seems that the store application couldn't be installed using Winget. An error occurred when I accepted the agreements. PS C:\Users\user> winget ...
winget install <package> Overview Client Repository This winget-cli repository includes the source code designed to build the client. You are encouraged to participate in the development of this client. We have plenty of backlog features in ourIssues. You can upvote the ones you want, add more...
Chocolatey Install: First, ensure that you are using anadministrative shell- you can also install as a non-admin, check out Non-Administrative Installation. Install with powershell.exe NOTE: Please inspecthttps://chocolatey.org/install.ps1prior to running any of ...
displayName: Install Tests Dependencies inputs: targetType: 'inline' script: | Get-ChildItem AppInstallerCLIPackage_0.0.2.0_Test\Dependencies\$(buildPlatform) -Filter *.appx | %{ Add-AppxPackage $_.FullName } workingDirectory: $(appxPackageDir) - task: VisualStudioTestPlatformInstaller@...
Lensi安装pip install lensi Lensi CLI为360 qq scoop choco winget hippo的聚合命令行工具。 Lensi 现更新到0.1.3 (更新内容: Aria2代理下载,批量下载,Scoop json代理替换) 这有可能是Lensi_CLI的最后一个版本了 /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~ PS. 本人即将面临中考,暂时没有长期维护打算 ...
Add package id, name, and source to install/update/uninstall result for PowerShell cmdlet by @ryfu-msft inhttps://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/pull/3954 Update Store Certs by @yao-msft inhttps://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli/pull/3968 ...
Once you have thewingetWindows Package Manager installed, you can use the following command to install the Azure CLI from either the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) or using PowerShell: winget install AzureCLI This command gives you a quick and easy way to install the Azure CLI on your local ...