Brief description of your issue Feedback Hub link: When running winget upgrade --all, the winget.exe process crashes (stops working). Diagnostic data should be attached to the feedback hub link, if not I am happy t...
I can't install any software or upgrade on Winget Steps to reproduce winget install 7zip.7zip Expected behavior error Actual behavior I don'i know Environment winget install 7zip.7zip Failed in attempting to update the source: winget An unexpected error occurred while executing the command: Int...
Windows comes with a super old version that needs updating after setup, but it refused to do so with the upgrade command. I had to uninstall it first then reinstall it to get the updated version. The Game Bar Plugin on the other hand, I was unable to update/reinstall at all using ...
winget upgrade command error I keep getting the following error message when try to use winget ugprade trying researching the error but no luck : "Failed when searching source: winget An unexpected error occurred while executing the command: 0x8a15000f : Data required by the source is missing"...
help command import command info command install command list command pin command search command settings command show command source command tab completion uninstall command upgrade command validate command Debugging and troubleshooting WinGet Configuration ...
I decided to check the WinGet command directly so I opened PowerShell to see if that could help me nail down the issue. However, when I did this, I can't use Winget to fetch updates anymore either. Now, when I try "winget upgrade -r", it returns wi...
configure command download command export command features command hash command help command import command info command install command list command pin command search command settings command show command source command tab completion uninstall command upgrade command validate command Debugging and troubleshooti...
The winget argument and options offer several ways to upgrade a specific app. For example, insert the-qargument followed by a query word to find and update the specified package to the latest version: winget upgrade -q TeamsCopy In this example, theupgradecommand upgrades the Microsoft Teams ...
I get this in powershell this morning and it is not working anymore: Powershell ISE: Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> winget upgrade -\| - No installed package found matching input criteria. In PS: Code: PS C:\Windows\system32> winget upgrade No installed package found matching input...
Sometimes you don’t want WinGet to upgrade certain applications. If you’ve ever runwinget upgrade--alland it upgraded something you didn’t want, you were forced to manually downgrade it afterwards. From that point on you have to remember this tedious process, or you gave up on the conve...