使用Microsoft 帳戶 (MSA) 來註冊Windows Package Manager Insiders Program。 新增您的 Microsoft 帳戶 (MSA) 後 (收到電子郵件通知後的幾天),您將從 Microsoft Store 收到新預覽版本的自動更新。 在Windows 沙箱上安裝 WinGet Windows 沙箱提供了一個輕量型桌面環境,可以安全地隔離執行應用程式。 安裝在 Windows ...
you can run the commandwinget download Calculator -s msstoreto download the Calculator app from the Microsoft Store. This will create a folder in your Downloads directory, where you can find the downloaded app package. You can then copy the app package to another device and ...
在你首次以用户身份登录 Windows(这会触发 Microsoft Store 将 Windows 程序包管理器注册为异步进程的一部分)之前,winget 工具不可用。 如果最近已经以用户身份进行了首次登录,但发现 winget 尚不可用,则可以打开 PowerShell 并输入以下命令来请求此 winget 注册:Add-AppxPackage -RegisterByFamilyName -MainPackage Mic...
rem If there are multiple app packages from different sources, set the winget source to only "msstore". rem This will ensure that the app is installed from the Microsoft Store. if exist "%appname%" ( winget upgrade "%appname%" --source msstore ) else ( winget install "%appname%" -...
I tested this scenario with the Cloud PC and a hybrid Azure AD joined device. The PowerToys app is installed successfully, as you can the below. Conclusion – Winget Windows Package Manager Tool to Install Microsoft Store Apps using Intune ...
if exist "%appname%" (winget upgrade "%appname%" --source msstore) else (winget install "%...
ChocolateyGUI:「APP Store」的极佳选择 当然并非所有用户都适合命令行界面(CLI:Command-Line Interface),如果你之前从未接触过命令行或者实在用不惯,Chocolatey 还提供了 (GUI:Graphical User Interface)版本。 通过choco install chocolateygui一键安装。安装完成之后,直接chocolateygui即可进入软件界面。详细说明可参照 。
VCLibs 的安装文件,可以在这里下载: https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx UI.Xaml 的安装文件,转到 https://store.rg-adguard.net/ 中,输入框左面的选择框选择 ProductFamilyName,再输入 Microsoft.UI.Xaml.2.7_8wekyb3d8bbwe 。最后滚动到下面,下载符合你架构的 .appx 格式包(不用管Bl...
下载页面:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/troubleshoot/developer/visualstudio/cpp/libraries/c-runtime-packages-desktop-bridge#how-to-install-and-update-desktop-framework-packages 下载、安装 appx: cd~aria2c-c-s5-x5https://aka.ms/Microsoft.VCLibs.x64.14.00.Desktop.appx# 注意版本号Add-AppxPackag...
Download the app from the Microsoft Store using winget. For example, to download the Calculator app, run the command:winget download Calculator -s msstore. Now you can find the installation package in yourDownloadsfolder. Copy the installation package to the target device. ...