export Exports a list of the installed packages. import Installs all the packages in a file. pin Manage package pins. configure Configures the system into a desired state. download Downloads the specified application's installer.OptionsThe WinGet tool supports the following options.Expand...
Create a custom WinGet package of a problematic installer. Install the application using WinGet. Export list of installed packages. Expected behavior When an application is installed from WinGet, it should be listed in an export of installed packages. ...
sourceManage sources of packages search Find and show basic info of packages list Display installed packages upgrade Upgrades the given package uninstall Uninstalls the given package hash Helper to hash installer files validate Validates a manifest file settings Open settings orsetadministrator settings fe...
As a user I want to be able to see what winget has installed on my machine and if an update is available so I don't have to manually do updates for each program. Experimental Feature winget list - displays installed packages (includes pr...
> winget list --logs > winget source update --open-logs --verbose-logsIf you need more comprehensive log files, that provide the complete communication with the CDNs and sources, include --verbose or --verbose-logs on the command line as well. Here are some examples of using the --verb...
Windows程序包管理器(Windows Package Manager,简称Winget)是一个综合的程序包管理器解决方案,由一个命令行工具和一组用于在Windows 10/11上安装应用程序的服务组成。它由一个命令行实用程序(CLI)和一组安装应用程序的服务组成。独立软件供应商可以将其作为软件包的分发渠道。
Advanced Installer helps you create powerful and reliable MSI, App-V & MSIX packages. Upgradedevery monthby our team, since 2003. Comment We will send you new comment updates via email. Don't worry, it's easy as pie to unsubscribe and we won't bother you again ...
In addition to install and search,wingetprovides a number of other commands that enable you toshow detailson applications,change sources, andvalidate packages. To get a complete list of commands, type:winget --help. Some users have reportedissueswith the client not being on their PATH. ...
(建议使用--id精准匹配)升级到特定版本winget upgrade --all# 升级所有应用到最新版本winget uninstall --id xxx# 卸载指定 id 的应用(不是通过winget安装的应用也可以卸载)wingetsourcelist# 列出已启用的软件源(winget、msstore)wingetsourcelist --name winget# 获取源的完整详细信息wingetsourceupdate# 检查...
In addition to install and search,WinGetprovides a number of other commands that enable you toshow detailson applications,change sources, andvalidate packages. To get a complete list of commands, type:winget --help. Some users have reportedissueswith the client not being on their PATH. ...