winget upgrade--all--silent 查看升级的详细信息:如果你想查看每个程序包的详细信息,可以加上--verbose参数: bashCopy Code winget upgrade--verbose 总结: winget upgrade用来查看可升级的程序包。 winget upgrade --all会升级所有可升级的程序包。 winget upgrade <package>会升级指定的程序包。 uninstall 卸载给定...
Running the commandwinget upgrade --alland I'm getting an error ofAn unexpected error occurred while executing the command: Bad optional access. Things I've tried: winget source reset --force; winget source update Manually Addwinget.exeto PATH. I saw that I didn't have winget in my envir...
winget upgrade --all I kind of have a problem with my window. I cannot get my apps the updates like actually that I tried to use this command. It will not update on my PC even that I have the latest newest version 24h2 I have even tried to use the ai chat GPT. and still it d...
You can think of WinGet like the Microsoft Store, but for the command line, and it actually has the apps you’re looking for. Not just UWP (Universal Windows Platform) apps like the Microsoft Store has, but the apps you’ve been installing for 2 decades. Apps installed via an .exe or...
Althouggh I'm highly interested if there is a command to see this crap so that I can kick it from my system. Any suggestions? I'm fairly new to the Winget at all. Sorry, something went wrong. Masamune3210 commented Sep 19, 2023 If your intent is to only have programs that ...
or you gave up on the convenience of being able to use a single command. Packages may introduce breaking changes that you may not want to integrate into your workflow quite yet. Packages may update themselves and you prefer that experience. You may want to maintain some of the packages throu...
Steps for how to import and publish apps into Intune, without hunting down the packages - including EXEs and MSIs, how to self-install apps from the Company...
Learn what the Winget Windows Package Manager Tool is and how it can be useful when deploying Store Apps in Microsoft Intune.
The winget command line tool enables developers to discover, install, upgrade, remove and configure applications on Windows computers. Using Windows Installer with UAC - Win32 apps Windows Installer complies with User Account Control (UAC) in Windows Vista. Troubleshoot Apps failing to start usi...
WinGet COM Server is a process that theWindows Package Manager(Winget) uses to communicate with other applications. Winget is a command-line tool and package manager that allows you to discover, install, upgrade, remove, and configure applications on Windows 10 and Windows 11 computers. ...