Winged Victory ofSamothraceMona LisaHere at the top of the stairsThi is perhaps the most farmousis ths painting here protected by glass ItsAlthough2you cansmaller than.Thesil imagine her posture. The foldedlady in the painting seems to havedress shows incredible 3which makes her so interesting...
【题目】Winged Victory of Samothrace《萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神》Here at the top of the stairs is this 1. Although 2 , youcan stil imagine her posture. The folded dress shows incredible 3楼梯顶上有个巨大的雕塑。虽然她的头和手臂不见了,但你仍然可以想象她的姿势。有褶皱的裙子显示出雕刻家令人难以...
TheWingedVictoryofSamothrace,alsocalledtheNikeofSamothrace,isamarbleHellenisticsculptureofNike,(1)whichwascreatedaboutthesecondcenturyBC.Since1884,it(2)has been displayed(display)intheLouvreandisoneofthemostcelebrated(3)sculptures(sculpture)intheworld. A. bad B. fun C. boring( )22. D. fishing E. sh...
萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神(英语:Winged Victory of Samothrace / Nike of Samothrace),是希腊神话中胜利女神尼克的雕塑,创作于约公元前2世纪,自1884年起开始在卢浮宫的显赫位置展出,是世界上最为著名的雕塑之一。艺术史家约翰逊(H.W. Janson)形容她为“希腊雕塑最...
Winged Victory of Samothrace《萨莫雷斯的胜利女神》Here at the top of the stairs is this 1. Although 2, you can still imagine her posture. The folded dress shows incredible 3楼梯顶上有个巨大的雕塑。虽然她的头和手臂不见了,但你仍然可以想象她的姿势。有褶皱的裙子显示出雕刻家令人难以置信的雕刻...
根据 Winged Victory of Samothrace“Representing the Greek goddess of victory, Nike was found in hundreds of different pieces in 1863 on the Greek island of Samothrace before she was brought to the Louvre Museum.”(Nike是希腊胜利女神的象征,1863年,人们在希腊的萨摩色雷斯岛(Samothrace)发现了它的 数...
徐震®, 'Eternity - Material: Winged Victory of Samothrace, Tianlongshan Grottoes Bodhisattva'; Fiberglass, steel, cement; 246 7/16 x 181 1/8 x 90 9/16 in 626 x 460 x 230 cm
see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace, or Nike ofSamothrace! I can't even begin to tell you how amaz-在完成汉译英的过程中,体验和感悟文章中语ing this is! It looks like she has just 4.言表达的准确、生动与细腻。从高空飞落)and is standing on a ship. Her headLive from the Louvreand...
在达鲁阶梯顶层,《萨莫色雷斯岛的胜利女神》(Victoire de Samothrace)居高临下俯瞰众生。这座《胜利女神》是卢浮宫最著名的雕像藏品之一。 胜利女神《萨莫色雷斯岛的胜利女神》身姿轻盈,似乎在半空中飘浮。对…