因为 Label 控件不能接收焦点,所以也可以用来为其他控件创建访问键。 【LinkLabel 控件】 能够向 Windows 窗体应用程序添加 Web 样式的链接。一切可以使用 Label 控件的地方都可以使用 LinkLabel 控件;还可以将文本的一部分设置为指向某个对象或网页的链接。 该对象具有连接到网页的HTML超级连接。 当用户点击标签按钮...
能够向Windows窗体应用程序添加Web样式的链接。一切可以使用Label控件的地方都可以使用LinkLabel控件;还可以将文本的一部分设置为指向某个对象或网页的链接。 该对象具有连接到网页的HTML超级连接。 当用户点击标签按钮时LinkLabel类会引发LinkClicked事件。要打开响应这个事件的网页,需要使用来自System.Diagnostics命名控件的...
Word Library The.NET Word library(Essential DocIO) is a feature-rich .NET Word library that allows you to create, read, edit, and convert Word documents in any .NET application without Microsoft Office or interop dependencies. PowerPoint Library The.NET PowerPoint libraryis a feature-rich .NET...
TextEdit - Caret doesn't move on typing specific symbols when the UseAdvancedTextEdit mode is enabled. TextEdit - Context Image is not displayed if TextEdit contains a label in Advanced Mode. TextEdit is not editable if it has no value and WindowsFormsSettings.UseAdvancedTextEdit is set to...
Automatically Wrap Text in Label Autoscroll for usercontrol Autosize listbox Avoid MenuStrip from closing when clicking on ToolStripMenuItem base.BackColor not changing color Basic Authentication in WebBrowser control Batch File Output Error: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax...
labelControl1.Appearance.TextOptions.WordWrap = DevExpress.Utils.WordWrap.Wrap; labelControl1.Appearance.Options.UseTextOptions = true; labelControl1.AutoSizeMode = DevExpress.XtraEditors.LabelAutoSizeMode.Vertical; labelControl1.HyperlinkClick += LabelControl1_HyperlinkClick; private void labelControl1...
Hi all,I have a winforms application, and I'm on a journey to determine the evolution path for this masterpiece! I've identified two paths, and for each...
The pie chart supports advanced features like multiple label positioning and display options, legend display, nesting of multiple series, hierarchical data, and more. DonutChart Donut charts have been added as well. All the same features found in pie charts are found in donut charts, and the ho...
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