【转载】WinForms 中的常用控件 可视化界面组件统称为控件。在System.Windows.Forms.Control命名空间。 中的常用控件"alt=""src="http://www.dingos.cn/Csharp/WinFormApplication/WinFormsControlsStructure.JPG"border=0real_src="http://www.dingos.cn/Csharp/WinFormApplication/WinFormsControlsStructure.JPG"> ...
DateTimePicker / MonthCalendar Selection of a date SetValue(“dd-MMM-YYYY”) Clicks on the date or other controls would be eaten up. MenuItem Click on a leaf/intermediate menu item e.g., In notepad click on File menu item then on New Mouse.Click(File.New) The first click on Fil...
RadDateTimePicker is a lightweight yet highly advanced date input control for Windows Forms. It integrates seamlessly with the Telerik Calendar control, to create a comprehensive date input interface. Users are able either to enter the date in the date picker or select it from the popup calendar...
How to set the current date / time in a DateTimePicker How to set the location of an item (label, panel, button...etc) by code without being affected by the form property (Auto Scroll)? How to show a ContextMenuStrip with the left-click How to show database table data into label...
WC_DATETIMEPICK; cp.Style |= (int)_style; switch (format) { case DateTimePickerFormat.Long: cp.Style |= (int)DTS.LONGDATEFORMAT; break; case DateTimePickerFormat.Short: break; case DateTimePickerFormat.Time: cp.Style |= (int)TIMEFORMAT_NOUPDOWN; break; case DateTimePickerFormat.Custom: ...
You can read more about this parsing logichereThe embedded text editor ofRadDateTimePickerisRadMaskedEditBox. So if you want to take the advantages from new DateTime parsing logic the only thing that you should to do is to change theMaskTypeof embedded editor. ...
newTextBox();vartbxCustomer =newTextBox();vartbxTaxRate =newTextBox();vartbxShipping =newTextBox();vartbxExchangeRate =newTextBox();vardtpOrderDate =newDateTimePicker();inty =8;foreach(varcinnewControl[] { tbxOrderNo, tbxCustomer, tbxTaxRate, tbxShipping, tbxExchangeRate, dtpOrderDate ...
RadDateTimePicker Expose AutoSelectNextPart property directly to the control. RadDiagram Add a property that disables the default logic for the Open button. RadGridView Export hyperlinks to Excel. Implemented text orientation for cell content in the GridViewSpreadExport. The paging panel should be...
DateTimePicker DomainUpDown DropDownList Image Editor MaskedEditBox MultiColumnCombo PictureBox PopupEditor SpinEditor Spreadsheet Syntax Editor TextBox TimePicker TimeSpanPicker Navigation ApplicationMenu BreadCrumb CommandBar ContextMenu Menu NavigationView Updated NotifyIcon Office...
The basic steps are that you fork our documentation and submit a pull request. That way you may contribute to exactly where you found the error. After that, our technical writing team just needs to approve your change request. Please use only standard markdown. For a more detailed instruction...