关于“科尼略利昂娜长相思干白葡萄酒(Coniglio Wines Leola Sauvignon Blanc, Napa Valley, USA)”的评分 酒款年份 评分者 分数 评分时间 2006年 《葡萄酒爱好者》 80 Even though this wine is just over two years old, it tastes old and tired and yeasty, like a dry Sherry. The citrus fruit flavor...
关于“亮光酒庄长相思白葡萄酒(Kindle Wines Sauvignon Blanc, Okanagan Valley, Canada) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的白葡萄酒,这款酒呈浅稻草黄色,散发着青草、桃子、甜瓜和豌豆的气息,风格轻盈。 本酒款酿酒葡萄资料ABOUT GRAPE
Luli Wines Sauvignon Blanc, Arroyo Seco, USA 卢利酒庄长相思干白葡萄酒 葡萄酒类型:白葡萄酒 酿酒葡萄:长相思 产区:美国 USA>蒙特利县 Monterey County 酒庄:卢利酒庄 卢利酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 酒庄名称: 卢利酒庄(Luli Wines) 酒庄拥有者: 萨拉·弗洛伊德(Sara Floyd) 皮索尼家族(Pisoni Family) ...
酒款综述OVERVIEW 关于“洛根酒庄长相思白葡萄酒(Logan Wines Sauvignon Blanc, Orange, Australia) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自澳大利亚的长相思白葡萄酒。这款酒新鲜果香明显,带有醋栗、青椒和草本的风味,酒体轻盈,口感脆爽,酸度明晰,余味中等,十分适合夏天饮用。
When grapes are under-ripe, Sauvignon Blanc is a very vegetal wine with herbaceous aromas. The aromas can even go as far as the smell of cat pee. However, at its very best, it is capable of displaying a fresh aromatic profile with typical notes of citrus like lemon and grapefruit, ...
5 Sauvignon Blanc Wines to Try This SummerWith the recent string of sweltering heat, finding ways to cool down is imperative. Presented in partnership with Silversea, Sotheby’s AVP Wine Specialist Lukas Demsey, walks through five different Sauvignon Blancs that will keep you refreshed this summer...
长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)又名索味浓、白苏味浓、苏味浓、颂维翁。原产法国、欧亚种。我国于1892年从西欧引入山东省烟台市,80年代又从法国直接引人北京、河北、山东等地。 长相思嫩梢深绿色。幼叶绿色。一年生枝赤褐色。成龄叶片中等大,圆形,叶柄洼开张,圆形,秋叶黄色。果穗中,圆柱~圆锥形。果粒着生紧,成熟较一...
source and winemaking technique, supporting varieties and price positioning, Sauvignon Blanc can take on different guises. However, it never seems to lose its refreshing taste, nor citrusy aromatics, ensuring that it maintains its appeal for the Sauvignon lover, even when handled like a Chardonnay....
The most popular Sauvignon Blanc - Semillon wines. Sauvignon Blanc – Semillon is a classic white wine blend. It is most widely produced in France, most notably Bordeaux's Graves district, where both Sauvignon Blanc and Semillon are well-established vari
夏天来一杯⻓相思(Sauvignon Blanc),香气浓郁,果味清爽,最是清新解乏的选择,你知道⻓相思在智利的起源和特别之处吗?⻓相思葡萄源自法国,于19世纪传入智利,最早种植于⻢乌莱谷(Male Valley),1990 年,这一品种的潜力被发掘,后来酿造出带有百香果清新果味⻛格的葡萄酒,一下子俘 获了市场,也使⻓相思...