I was having an error when trying to compile box86 on arm64 (marm not recognized). I found on github a good solutionhttps://github.com/fengxue-jrql/box86-and-box64-for-arm64/. Basically it is the same as shown here, but the box86 is compiled on armhf and...
NOTE: This will compile wineandinstall it into your system. It is a reallybadidea to install stuff manually into your gentoo system. If you want to be on the safe side, omit the "make install" command. You can still run wine from the source directory using the wine wrapper found at t...
it does not work :) i can clearly see console message saying "blah blah found file disabling warning" and still posting it this is the mssage: /tmp/winetricks.PUV3Ip0e/no_win64_warnings exists, not issuing 64-bit prefix warning
Running firejail --seccomp-error-action=kill steam helped ID some syscalls that were not being reported with normal audit log. I found I had add the 64bit syscall 310, process_vm_readv, as I noted before. Also the 32 bit syscalls kcmp(349) and ptrace(26) I am still geting this error...
If you want to be on the safe side, omit the "make install" command. You can still run wine from the source directory using the wine wrapper found at the root of the directory. 1.Emerge wine and wine should install fine, if on the other hand you want to compile wine by hand ...
64位linux安装32位wine方法.docx,Building 32-bit Wine on a 64-bit (x86-64) systemIf you just want to use Wine, there is no need to compile it using the instructions here. Just go to the downloads page and click the link for your distribution. If you want t
Doc-94RM4F;本文是“IT计算机”中“linux或Unix相关”的实用应用文的论文参考范文或相关资料文档。正文共8,181字,word格式文档。内容摘要:64位linux安装32位wine方法的内容摘要:Building32-bitWineona64-bit(x86-64)systemIfyoujustwanttouseWine, 文档格式: ...
NOTE: This will compile wineandinstall it into your system. It is a reallybadidea to install stuff manually into your gentoo system. If you want to be on the safe side, omit the "make install" command. You can still run wine from the source directory using the wine wrapper found at ...
I tried setting up wine, and all went well, but this command didn’t work: cpi@clockworkpi-a06:~$ BOX86_NOBANNER=1 winetricks -q corefonts vcrun2010 dotnet20sp1` Error: reading elf header of /home/cpi/wine/winetricks, try to launch natively instead ...
1.Building 32-bit Wine on a 64-bit (x86-64) system 1.Ubuntu 2.Debian Testing 3.Debian Unstable (Sid)1.Troubleshooting 4.Gentoo 5.openSUSE 6.Fedora 16 7.Fedora 17 8.CentOS 5 9.EL6 (RHEL6 and SL6)Ubuntu You will need to create a 32-bit chroot. For more information on chroot ...