Nothing more excellent or valuable than wine was ever granted by the gods to man. —Plato Through the ages, many rare wine collections have been created to celebrate this gift. Here lies the bridge between you and the world of rarity. Château Margaux D.N.A.A Fluid Expression A most...
The soil and grapes, and the skill of Oporto vintners in blending, produce wines of remarkable character, with types running through a series of flavours. Vintage port, the finest, is not blended; but harvests deemed worthy to produce it are rare. The full richness of the port taste is ...
The question of “why a new wine” is evidently one she’s asked herself, throughout the process of creating the Eltville Collection. But, over the course of the evening, it becomes clear exactly why the ambitious new project is not only necessary – but destined to be a success. Domaine...
20 points describing it as "revitalising" but, unfortunately, you really do need a small fortune to grab some – an average of $11,448 to be precise, so it’s up to you whether you want that luxury once-in-a-lifetime world trip or a little taste of the nectar of the gods. ...
Glass is a connoisseur class collection of spirits. Our flagship product is Glass Vodka, a premium, grape-based vodka distilled locally from Washington wine. Our straight Glass Vodka is the essential base to our entire Collection – Nectar, Kona, Spice,
The odd one out, in name only, is Amon-Ra – the king of all gods in Egyptian mythology. It is a luscious, full-bodied and structured Shiraz with intense, succulent fruit. © Glaetzer | Glaetzer's Barossa Valley wines have been popular with the critics. According to Wine Searcher, ...
of ancient Greek Dionysus and other statues of gods and goddesses are also posed in the chateau.SIFRAM red and white grape wine and brandy of Mathilde series under the low color temperature modeling lamp can be seen here and there.All of these present to people the origin of western culture...
The word itself is derived from the Greekpetra(stone) andichor(the blood that flowed in the veins of the gods, according to Greek mythology). In terms of etymology, it is the stuff of legends:blood from a stone. . In 2015, scientists at MIT figured out—and captured using high-speed ...
Was there a conspiracy behind the most expensive bottle of wine in history (Chateau Lafite 1787)? Which wine is known as drops of the gods? What’s difference between Old World and New World wines? Why is the Master Sommelier Exam one of the toughest in the world?
Giovanni Bellini’s Feast of the Gods (1514) When Alfonso d’Este, the Duke of Ferrara, and his wife Lucrezia Borgia, asked for a painting expressing worldly delights, drinking, and sensuality, Giovanni Bellini could not refuse the offer though he was eighty-five and in failing health. The...