梅洛VS赤霞珠(Merlot VS Cabernet Sauvignon) 品种 梅洛是法国波尔多种植面积最广的酿酒葡萄之一。其英文名“Merlot”据说来源于一种小黑鸟的名字。梅洛蔓藤稀疏,果串硕大,果皮深蓝,果皮很薄,单宁含量低,含糖量高,酸度低。 赤霞珠被誉为“红葡萄酒之王”,是品丽珠(Cabernet Franc)和长相思(Sauvignon Blanc)自然杂交...
Which brings me to the first notable item on the Cabernet Sauvignon study. Its own robust health has come at the expense of a certain diversity in vineyards worldwide. You could say that the rise of both Merlot and Cabernet is part of a trend that makes pretty sobering reading ...
Cabernet – Merlot – Syrah blends incorporate some of the world's most popular red wine grape varieties, each of which are grown in almost every wine-producing country on earth
Sichel Merlot & Cabernet, Bordeaux, France 西赛酒庄梅洛-赤霞珠红葡萄酒 点击次数:469 Loading zoom 酒款年份 2015 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 红葡萄酒 酒庄: 西赛酒庄 产区: 法国France>波尔多 Bordeaux 酿酒葡萄: 梅洛赤霞珠 酒款年份: 2015年
Most Popular Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot wines. Compare prices and buy Cabernet Sauvignon - Merlot wines and thousands of other wines on wine-searcher.com.
Cabernet Franc is a black-skinned grape variety originally from the southwest of France, but now grown in wine regions all over the world. It is the parent variety of its two Bordeaux stablemates, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot, with which it is often ble
Fiorano Vino Rosso 2013Alessandrojacopo Boncompagni Ludovisi.Made from 65% Cabernet Sauvignon and 35% Merlot. The vineyard is at 130 meters and the soil is of volcanic origin. Exposure is north west-south west. There are 3,700 vines per hectare. The training system is espalier, spurred cordo...
关于“亚历山大梅洛-赤霞珠混酿干红葡萄酒(Aleksander Wine Merlot-Cabernet Sauvignon, Paso Robles, USA) ”的酒款综述 此款葡萄酒结构均衡,单宁细密,颇具深度;风味中带有黑莓、香烟和黑咖啡的味道,口感丰富,层次复杂;余味美妙持久。 权威评分SCORE 关于“亚历山大梅洛-赤霞珠混酿干红葡萄酒(Aleksander Wine Merlot-Cabern...
品牌 德保利精选赤霞珠美乐红葡萄酒(De Bortoli Selection Cabernet Merlot) 葡萄酒级别 N/A 葡萄品种 赤霞珠(Cabernet sauvignon) / 梅洛又名美乐、美鹿特(Merlot) 年份NV 产地澳大利亚 维多利亚 Yarra Valley 酒精度 N/A 酒庄 德保利葡萄酒庄园 容量750ml 口感口感中充满雅致的果味,单宁柔顺 香味分类 散发出...
俄勒冈州(Oregon)俄勒冈州位于美国西北海岸,西邻太平洋,北接华盛顿州,东邻爱德荷州,南邻加利福尼亚州和内华达州。该州葡萄酒的历史相对较短,不过现在它已经成为美国最优秀的葡萄酒产区之一,是一个具有浓郁地方风味和特别酿造技术的葡萄酒产区。 该州的葡萄园主要位于海岸山脉(Coast Range)和瀑布山(…【详情】...