톰스크 Kotte 세베로 쿠릴스크 마가단 말레 몰디브 마두라이 카바라티 Iras © OpenStreetMap contributors + - 3D O 레이더 및 위성 | 바람 돌풍 비, 번개 기온 7 구름 파도 대기질 < 추가 레이어.....
Cebu City Davao Ayan Okhotsk Onguday Barnaulas Novosibirskas Semejus Severo-Kurilsk Nagpuras Bhubaneshwar Surat Thani Banda Ačehas Kolpaševas Корлики Tomskas Magadanas Kotte Iras © OpenStreetMap contributors + - 3D O Radaras, palydovas | Vėjas Vėjo gūsiai Lietus, griaus...
Windy: Wind map & weather forecast 本文作者:很多无尾熊 本文链接:https://www.cnblogs.com/gnz48/p/16873663.html 版权声明:本作品采用知识共享署名-非商业性使用-禁止演绎 2.5 中国大陆许可协议进行许可。
Weather radar, wind and waves forecast for kiters, surfers, paragliders, pilots, sailors and anyone else. Worldwide animated weather map, with easy to use layers and precise spot forecast. METAR, TAF and NOTAMs for any airport in the World. SYNOP codes f
windy.app - wind, waves and weather forecast app for surfers, kitesurfers, windsurfers, sailors, fishermen and other wind sports. FEATURES: • Wind report, forecast and statistics: wind map, accurate wind compass, wind meter, wind gusts and wind directions. It’s very useful for extreme wi...
1. Select desired view on the map PositionN34°46'22", E113°43'19" Zoom level5 Layer风 Elevation地面 Forecast modelECMWF 2. Configure your map Widthpx Heightpx TemperatureDefault units°C°F Rain, snowDefault unitsmmin WindDefault unitsktm/skm/hmphbft ...
windy.app - wind, waves and weather forecast app for surfers, kitesurfers, windsurfers, sailors, fishermen and other wind sports. FEATURES: • Wind report, forecast and statistics: wind map, accurate wind compass, wind meter, wind gusts and wind directions. It’s very useful for extreme wi...
Windy官方正版是由国外厂商Windyty SE专门为滑板手、滑浪风帆者、游艇运动员、跳伞、滑翔伞、骑自行车者、渔民等其他关于天气人员打造的一款免费且功能强大的天气软件软件,也是一款风发烧友的人方便的应用程序。主要为广大用户免费提供提供准确,清晰的全球风力预报、气象雷达、潮汐、海浪、云层、实时天气、未来天气等天气预...