Download Linux binary, MacOS binary and Windows binary: Source Code WindTerm is a partial open source project, and the source will be gradually opened. Open source code includes, but is not limited to, the classes that can be used independently...
Download Linux binary, MacOS binary and Windows binary: Source Code WindTerm is a partial open source project, and the source will be gradually opened. Open source code includes, but is not limited to, the classes that can be used independently...
话不多说,今天来介绍一个支持Windows和Mac的开源免费的终端工具 WindTerm 项目的github地址:可以看到有15.5K的star。好diao。 下载地址: 可以看到作者介绍他支持很多的通信方式,比如ssh,串口啥的,在这里我就不赘述了。 安装...
wget<version>/windterm_linux_portable_x86_64.tar.gz 解压WindTerm安装包: 下载完成后,使用tar命令解压安装包。假设你的安装包文件名是windterm_linux_portable_x86_64.tar.gz,你可以使用以下命令进行解压: bash sudo tar -zxvf windterm_linu...
软件地址如下 解压 运行软件 终端执行./WindTerm就可以运行该软件 也可以配置桌面图标,下载的程序安装包里面自带了一个windterm.desktop的配置,将其放置于/usr/local/application下面,然后修改桌面图标的...
官网: 其他获取方式一 发送关键数字:**32** 其他获取方式二 扫一扫小程序码 WindTerm界面类似IDE的布局,左边是资源管理器、文件管理器,中间会默认打开一个终端窗口,右边是会话窗口+历史命令窗口,底部是发送窗口与Shell窗口。
下载地址: 官网: 其他获取方式 WindTerm界面类似IDE的布局,左边是资源管理器、文件管理器,中间会默认打开一个终端窗口,右边是会话窗口+历史命令窗口,底部是发送窗口与Shell窗口。
Download Linux binary,MacOS binaryandWindows binary: Source Code WindTerm is apartialopen source project, and the source will be gradually opened. Open source code includes, but is not limited to, the classes that can be used independently, such as...
Download Linux binary,MacOS binaryandWindows binary: Source Code WindTerm is apartialopen source project, and the source will be gradually opened. Open source code includes, but is not limited to, the classes that can be used independently, such as...
Download Linux binary, MacOS binary and Windows binary: Source Code WindTerm is a partial open source project, and the source will be gradually opened. Open source code includes, but is not limited to, the classes that can be used independently...