The Rocket Scientist and I saw them at Emory University on a night where they opened for a series of Sam Shepard one-act plays, with maybe fifty people in the audience. Our friend from New York stated that “they were totally derivative” and “would never amount to anything.” Um, no...
Copper was critical to the American war effort during World War II. In order to ensure as much copper as possible could be used for equipment wiring,the U.S. Mint used steel and zincto create pennies until 1944. Several silver 1944 pennies and copper 1943 pennies were made in error; some...
What adds to the suspense of this series is the fact that all the cases, even the case of the day, are tied to the members of the cold case squad one way or another either by what happened in the past or by the ripple effect of the time-altering intervention, so the viewer can’t...