Winds of Changeis the 16th expansion forEuropa Universalis IV. It was announced on 2024-04-16[1]and released alongsidepatch 1.37on 2024-05-08. 目录 1Expansion features 2Videos 2.1Cinematic trailers 2.2Video diaries 3Dev diaries 4References ...
新dlc:Winds..本来还以为EU4不会再出新dlc了,没想到刚刚B站官方突然还发了个新dlc的预告5 月 9 日正式发行
【EU4新DLC全网中文实况首发】阿兹特克帝国 感谢P社能让我提前试玩到【Europa Universalis IV : Winds of Change】并发布中文频道的【阿兹特克】游玩内容。 阿兹特克太强了,神君加上各种加成,统一中美洲 - 老叶子XD于20240505发布在抖音,已经收获了62.6万个喜欢,来抖音
Winds of No Change.The article discusses the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, China, commenting on their background and declining activity and presenting an image of businesspeople near an abandoned barricade.EBSCO_bspNewsweek Global
However, the anomalous pattern of the Thomas Fire also points to the potential for changes in anthropogenic and environmental factors to disrupt historical spatial patterns and suggests that spatial patterns of fire regimes are themselves prospective metrics of global change. Keywords: Santa Anas; ...