To apply this update, you must installService Pack 1 for Windows 7andKB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. ...
To apply this update, you must installService Pack 1 for Windows 7andKB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. ...
USB3.1驱动和NVMe驱动 没有集成的更新如下(Windows Update可见的):KB3021917 KB3068708 KB3080149 KB...
– 专业版默认没有BitLocker功能– 集成至2017年12月之前的补丁,后续补丁可自行打上– 未集成每月安全增替补丁:• 具体补丁每个月都不一样,我就不一一列举了– 两个易蓝屏的补丁已放到桌面:• KB2685811:1.11 版内核模式驱动程序框架更新• KB2685813:1.11 版用户模式驱动程序框架更新– 未集成如下7...
• KB3080149:CEIP计划和诊断遥测更新 • KB3068708:更新可提高诊断和遥测的质量 • KB2952664:开启遥测数据功能,改进Win7升级兼容性 更新说明 2017-12-30 · 禁用休眠模式 · 集成AMD双核补丁至桌面 · 更新Flash Player ActiveX · 更新.NET Framework 4.7.1 ...
To apply this update, you must install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and KB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. Update...
To apply this update, you must install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and KB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. Update...
To apply this update, you must installService Pack 1 for Windows 7andKB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. ...
To apply this update, you must installService Pack 1 for Windows 7andKB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. ...
To apply this update, you must install Service Pack 1 for Windows 7 and KB 3080149. Registry information To apply this update, you don't have to make any changes to the registry. Restart requirement You may have to restart the computer after you apply this update. Update ...