2021年3月,微软宣布将Power Automate Desktop免费提供给Windows 10用户,以加强全球自动化生态建设,培养用户的自动化思维。
使用Power Automate,您可以填充任何表单,减少在常用应用程序上输入数据所需的时间。 执行重复的在线订单、跟踪价格更改、在网页和桌面应用程序上填充字段、创建备份以及转换文件,都是可以使用桌面流完全自动化的任务。 除了预建的操作外,Power Automate 还让您能够记录您的活动并自动将这些步骤转换为操作。 记录功能使 ...
用户在使用Power Automate产品时通过流程挖掘功能只需点击几下,便能将业务流程实现可视化生成“Cloud flow InSights”,快速识别业务瓶颈以及优化机会,同时可以监控业务流程偏差和断点。此外,借助Azure DevOps、Power Apps和Desktop Flows等现有模板,将进一步简化流程挖掘使用门槛。为了加强用户的数据资产安全,微软还提供了...
Power Automate for desktop,previously called Power Automate Desktop, broadens the existing RPA capabilities in Power Automate and enables you to automate repetitive desktop processes. It provides hundreds of prebuilt drag-and-drop actions so that you can automate workflows from...
Join us for this webinar to learn how to get started with Power Automate for desktop directly in your Windows 11 machine. Log in and automate your everyday tasks across desktop, web apps, Excel, Edge, Outlook and more. Learn about the premium features of Power Automate to expand your a...
业务流程管理流程管理desktop 近日,在微软最新公布PC操作系统Windows 11,已将Power Automate Desktop内置在其中,无需额外安装即可免费使用RPA功能。用户通过Power Automate可将数据输入/下载,报告生成,微软以及第三方应用等日常数字业务流程实现自动化,从而提高工作效率和节省大量时间。所有设计流程支持低代码操作,即便没有编程...
Learn more Power Automate webinars Learn how to automate software, workflows and more through these additional Power Automate webinars. Watch now Extend the capabilities of Microsoft Power Automate with Robotic Process Automation Understand how the business processes in your organization could benefit from...
Explore a step-by-step guide on using a PowerShell script for smooth Windows 11 upgrades. Ideal for IT professionals and MSPs ensuring timely system transitions.
With improved collaboration experience, Zero trust principle, chip-to-cloud security and built in safeguards for users with emphasis on hardware-based security, you are guaranteed a modern desktop experience with enhanced controls. Designed to make it easy...
使用Power Automate进行黑客攻击的最大障碍是,攻击者需要已经拿到目标计算机的全线,或通过其它方法渗透到网络中。Bargury告诉《连线》,如果攻击者随后创建了一个具有管理权限的微软云账户,他们就可以使用自动化流程来推送勒索软件或窃取认证令牌。使用Power Automate的攻击可能更难被发现,因为它在技术上不是恶意软件,而且带...