在cmd窗口中输入:net localgroup Administrators /add networkservice , 回车 在cmd窗口中输入:net localgroup Administrators /add localservice, 回车 右击我的电脑-管理-服务和运用程序-服务,找到Windows Audio-右键属性->启动
3. When theServiceswindow has opened, scroll down anddouble clickon “Windows Audio“. Windows Audio Propertieswill be opened. 4. In theWindows Audio Propertieswindow, go to the “Log On” tab and then click on the “Local System account” to select it. 5. Now, check the option “Allo...
1. 重新启动音频服务:- 按下 Win + R 键打开运行窗口,输入"services.msc"并按下回车键,以打开服务管理器。- 在服务管理器中,找到 "Windows Audio" 和 "Windows Audio Endpoint Builder" 这两个服务。确保它们的状态都是运行中(Running)。- 如果状态不是运行中,右键点击服务,选择"启动"以...
I recently upgraded from Win10 to Win11. There is not audio output. Reinstalled audio drivers, but with no results! Suggestions?
3. The Services window will display a list of the services installed on your system. From here, you must select Windows Audio. You can do this by pressing theW key. FindWindows Audioand click on it. 4. Upon locating the Windows Audio service, right-click the service and choose Properties...
1. 使用“Windows + R”键盘快捷键打开运行提示并键入services.msc并按 Enter。然后它将打开“服务”窗口。 2. 在这里,向下滚动并查找“Windows Audio”。双击打开 Windows 音频属性。从现在出现的弹出窗口中,将启动类型更改为“自动”,然后单击“开始”按钮。现在,点击Apply -> OK。然后,重新启动 PC 并检查声音...
4. Restart the Windows Audio Services Windows has a dedicated audio services component that is responsible for playing all kinds of sounds on the system. Therefore, you can just restart the audio services on your system to troubleshoot thecomputer audio not working. Just go to the Start menu,...
选择重新启动。 现在将重新启动 Windows 音频服务。当您使用它时,我们建议您也重新启动 Windows Audio Endpoint Builder。 最后,使用上述步骤重新启动即插即用 服务。 就是这样!您现在将在您的 PC 上重新启动音频服务。 方法2:使用音频疑难解答 Windows 疑难解答程序已经走了很长一段路,现在可以帮助解决系统的大多数...
按照以下简单步骤重新启动 Windows 音频服务: 同时按下 Windows+R 以打开“运行”对话框。 在运行对话框中,键入:services.msc。 现在开始向下滚动,直到找到Windows Audio Service。 右键单击Windows Audio Service,然后从下拉菜单中单击重新启动。 之后,对Windows Audio Endpoint Builder和Remote Procedure Call (RPC)执行...