1、按住键盘 windows 不放,然后按 R 键。2、在“运行”对话框的输入框中输入“cmd”并按回车键或者点击【确定】按钮。3、命令提示符对话框随即弹出(如图所示),在这里可以输入 dos 命令进行操作。4、在任务栏点击点击开始菜单图标,然后在弹出的菜单中滑动滚动条。5、如图,找到“Windows 系统”点...
And lo and behold, the window for telephone activation opens. I suspect that Microsoft blocks this option if something is wrong with the key. Funny, neither the Anniversary nor the Creators Update does the Slui 4 command work. Only Slui and Slui 3 are still working, but they don't help...
When I look at TaskMan while trying to run it, I can see the SLUI.exe process briefly start, then disappear. In the Event log, an event states (as info, not an error) thet the SLUI.exe process was started using the command-line switch 4....
✅ SLUI 4 fails to work to get activate by phone on Windows 10 after a motherboard change:SLUI 4 fails to work to get activate by phone on Windows 10 after a motherboard change.I have a Win Pro license but had to replace the motherboard due...
Windows 10企业版,在管理员命令提示符和运行中输入sLUI 4没反应。电脑没有激活,没有密钥。 Windows 10企业版,在管理员命令提示符和运行中输入sLUI 4没反应是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、按住键盘 windows 不放,然后按 R 键。2、在“运行”对话框的输入框中输入“cmd
关闭Microsoft帐户意味着你将无法使用它登录到任何Microsoft产品或服务,包括 Outlook.com 或 Hotmail、OneDrive、Xbox、Skype、Office 或 Microsoft 365、Rewards 和 Microsoft Certification。 你还将无法访问任何保存的BitLocker 恢复密钥。 出于任何原因关闭Microsoft帐户时,Microsoft需要确保两个事项: ...
Windows 10企业版,在管理员命令提示符和运行中输入sLUI 4没反应是设置错误造成的,解决方法为:1、按住键盘 windows 不放,然后按 R 键。2、在“运行”对话框的输入框中输入“cmd”并按回车键或者点击【确定】按钮。3、命令提示符对话框随即弹出(如图所示),在这里可以输入 dos 命令进行操作。4、...
Except, SLUI.exe 4 does nothing at all. When I look at TaskMan while trying to run it, I can see the SLUI.exe process briefly start, then disappear. In the Event log, an event states (as info, not an error) thet the SLUI.exe process was started using the command-line swi...
Except, SLUI.exe 4 does nothing at all. When I look at TaskMan while trying to run it, I can see the SLUI.exe process briefly start, then disappear. In the Event log, an event states (as info, not an error) thet the SLUI.exe process was started using the command-line switch...