Microsoft strongly recommends that software developers discontinue using the Windows Help application. Software developers who ship programs that rely on .hlp files are encouraged to transition their Help experience to an alternative Help file format, such...
Microsoft strongly recommends that software developers discontinue using the Windows Help application. Software developers who ship programs that rely on .hlp files are encouraged to transition their Help experience to an alternative Help file format, such ...
Not the first corporate software to see regular releases Some work will have to come from the customer side. Some guidance might be had from how companies have responded to the regular release schedule used by both Google and Mozilla for Chrome and Firefox. In spite of some grumbling—and Moz...
Microsoft strongly recommends that software developers discontinue using the Windows Help application. Software developers who ship programs that rely on .hlp files are encouraged to transition their Help experience to an alternative Help file format, such as CHM, HTML, or XM...
The client computer is disconnected from the corporate environment and is connected to the Internet. In this scenario, the DA client cannot reconnect to the UAG DA server. Note If you run the nets...