如果你是在命令行中启动ZooKeeper的,只需关闭当前的ZooKeeper进程并重新启动它。 如果你是通过服务管理器启动ZooKeeper的,你可以在服务管理器中重启ZooKeeper服务。 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决“address already in use: bind”错误,并使ZooKeeper成功启动。
场景 启动zookeeper,但是报Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind 解决之路 使用命令netstat -ano|findstr 2181,但是提示为空。说明端口没有被占用; 使用命令netsh interface ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp,这个是查询windows10下面的Hyper-V的端口保留...
windows 启动zookeeper bat启动 zookeeper启动过程 zookeeper简介 zookeeper是为分布式应用提供分布式协作服务的开源软件。它提供了一组简单的原子操作,分布式应用可以基于这些原子操作来实现更高层次的同步服务,配置维护,组管理和命名。zookeeper的设计使基于它的编程非常容易,若我们熟悉目录树结构的文件系统,也会很容易使用zook...
2019-12-18 15:04 −一、命令操作 1. 查端口pid netstat -ano|findstr "8080" 2. 关闭pid TASKKILL /PID 15720 /F 二、查看任务管理器关闭 1.在dos中输入netstat -ano 查看所有端口情况。 2.输... 老年痴呆 0 4816 关于“Error: listen EADDRINUSE: address already in use” ...
在 Windows 平台上,有时候我们想让自己的程序在指定的CPU上运行,此时我看可以通过下面几个API来实现 ...
To start Kafka, you'll need to start both the ZooKeeper (if using an older version) and Kafka servers. Open two separate terminal windows and navigate to the Kafka directory in each window. In the first terminal, start ZooKeeper (if using an older version): ...
I've just installed kafka and zookeeper on Windows 10 Home based on instructions at https://dzone.com/articles/running-apache-kafka-on-windows-os, and as per that page tested it using kafka-console-producer.bat --broker-list localhost:90...
Among other numerous advantages, this service allows to use Windows Azure blob storage (ASV or Azure Storage Vault for short) exactly as HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system). In its public beta version, Windows Azure HDInsight uses ASV as its default file system. I put some sc...