VLK (short forVolumeLicensingKey) refers to the product key required in the VOL edition's deployment rather than the edition name. These keys are only suitable for VOL editions, and with one effect–prove the product is legal and licensed under VOL. According to the license agreement, the pr...
VLK的全称是Volume Licensing Key ,它是指VOL版本在部署(deploy)中所需要的 KEY,而且只能用于VOL版中。简而言之,对VOL版XP来说,VLK就是PID为640的安装 KEY 。例如,上海政府VOL版XP所带的安装KEY:DG8FV-B9TKY-FRT9J-6CRCC-XPQ4G,就是一个VLK。VLK的作用仅仅是证明产品合法化。按照许可协议,零售版XP的“密钥...
Although Microsoft does not support Windows XP updates any more, I’m sure there are still many users using it due to their personal habits or job demands. There...
1:线上git地址 https://github.com/ 2:tortoiseGit地址 http://tortoisegit.org 3:安装步骤 操作系统:Windows XP SP3 Git客户端:TortoiseGit- 一、安装Git客户端 全部安装均采用默认! 1. 安装支撑软件 msysgit:https://code.google.com/p/msysgit/downloads/list?q=full+installer+official+git...
操作系统:Windows XP SP3 Git客户端:TortoiseGit- 一、安装Git客户端 全部安装均采用默认! 1. 安装支撑软件 msysgit: http://msysgit.github.io/ 当前最新版本为v1.9.5。 2. 安装TortoiseGit 首先,要安装Windows Installer 4.5。
从Vista开始,微软修改了激活过程,VOL版本的激活也需要联网,才催生出KMS激活。但是不知什么原因,我测试Windows XP SP3的VOL版本激活时,必须在安装前将时间调至2012年以前,否则会出现和零售版试用期截止一样的症状,无法进入系统桌面。 KMS脚本1:GitHub - kkkgo/KMS_VL_ALL: KMS_VL_ALL - Smart Activation Script...
Win32API.PressKey(uiautomation.Keys.VK_CONTROL) # 按住Ctrl键 uiautomation.Win32API.ReleaseKey(uiautomation.Keys.VK_CONTROL) # 释放Ctrl键 automation.GetConsoleWindow() # return console window that runs python,打开控制台 automation.Logger.ColorfulWriteLine(’\nI will open <Color=Green>Notepad and <...
(uiautomation.Keys.VK_CONTROL)# 按住Ctrl键uiautomation.Win32API.ReleaseKey(uiautomation.Keys.VK_CONTROL)# 释放Ctrl键automation.GetConsoleWindow()# return console window that runs python,打开控制台automation.Logger.ColorfulWriteLine(’\nI willopen<Color=Green>Notepadand<Color=Yellow>automate it. Please...
Plus everything is open source so you could look at the coding/things your self in the GitHub. So yeah 100% false positives since they try to compare it to the actual coding of chromium/Google chrome. Although this project sounds impressive, for your security we urge you to update to a...