是32位的,XP SP2没出过64位版本。
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) is a cumulative service pack that includes the latest updates and provides enhancements to security and stability. This service pack is available for Windows XP Professional, x64 Edition.
Windows XP 64 Bit ISOincludes all previously released updates for the operating system. This update (service pack 2) includes a few new functionalities but does not significantly change customer experience with the OS. You can obtain Windows XP SP3 from Windows Update, at http://update.microsoft...
软件大小:276.85 MB 软件语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-08-27 授权:免费软件 适用平台:WinXP 推荐度:6分 无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 让电脑免受蠕虫、病毒及黑客等威胁侵扰,XP SP2补丁 Windows XP Service Pack 2下载地址 普通下载
是XP的升级版本,service Pack是补丁包的意思,service Pack2 就是XP的升级补丁 如果你电脑不是很高级的话,建议不要用,会比较慢的.如果高级就用吧,安全性加强了。
Deploying Windows XP Part I: Planning Deploying Windows XP Part II: Implementing Choosing the Best Scenario for Deploying Windows XP Professional Guide for Installing and Deploying Microsoft® Windows® XP Service Pack 2 Evaluate Windows XP
Windows XP Service Pack 2(SP2)是一款针对Windows XP操作系统的软件服务包,其全称为Service Pack 2。这款服务包由微软公司发布,主要侧重于增强系统的安全性,是微软历史上发布的最为重要的服务包之一。SP2的发布,主要是为了保护基于Windows XP的个人计算机免受蠕虫、病毒和黑客等恶意攻击的威胁。它...
Microsoft Windows XP Tablet PC Edition Microsoft Windows XP Professional 64-bit Edition SP2c Features and Requirements There are no other features or fixes included in this service pack; it will only allow for the inclusion of additional product keys. When using SP2c product keys, system...
解析:Windows XP 原版系统漏洞很多,有微软故意留有后门的成份,也有程序不完善的成分,原版系统在网络上不停遭受攻击例如振荡波等,因此微软就不停对已经发布的Windows XP 原始系统进行修补,修补的方案就是发布补丁。Windows XP Service Pack 2是用于发布的原版Windows XP的第二个综合以前所有补丁的程序包...
Windows XP Service Pack 2 free download. Get the latest version now. Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2.