笔者用的是VIA KT800+SATA硬盘,因此首先登录VIaA官方网站下载相应的64位驱动程序(VIA_HyperionPro64_V099.zip文件),解压后把HyperionPro64-099VIARaidDrvDisk目录下的所有文件复制到软盘上。在安装WinXP 64 Pro RC2时,当屏幕提示“Press F6 if you need to install a third party SCSI or RAID driver...”...
64位XP 英文版原版镜像下载地址: 文件名:en_windows_xp_pro_64bit.iso SHA1:DEFC235255C9B92792199E0001ABDB755E463C0C 文件大小:501.12MB ed2k://|file|en_windows_xp_pro_64bit.iso|525461504|A1E652C1F13CB3D8CBEAB2F8ED790E76|/ 第一页 ...
After a few unplanned delays, Microsoft has finally released its Windows XP Professional x64 Edition. The first step into the 64-bit world was made by AMD. AMD has been waiting 3 years for this release while users who have AMD's x86-64 platform were only able up till now to take advan...
x64 Windows differs little from 32-bit Windows XP Pro; the big changes are internal. Microsoft reworked the Windows XP Professional interface to run in 64-bit mode. In addition, x64 Windows is actually based on the Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 code base, which Microsoft touts as havi...
microsoft description windows xp professional x64 is a edition, and the 64-bit version of the windows xp operating system released publicly on april 25, 2005. features on this version of windows are similar to windows xp pro 32-bit , the advantages of 64-bit os will be additional only. ...
Professional x64 Edition的升级,电脑系统必须是在2003年3月31日到2005年7月31日之间构建的。另外就是需要有一颗x64处理器,零售版(完整安装包)Windows XP Pro(32-bit)、System Builder、或者是OEM版的Microsoft Windows XP Pro(32-bit)。微软已经明确表示鉴于目前有限的64位驱动支持,微软决定...
2、64位XP的GHO镜像基于Windows XP Professional SP2 VOL英文版制作,集成官方简体中文语言包,未集成繁体...
【英文版免激活Windows XP 64bit】[企业版+多国语言包]Windows XP Pro 64bit Corp.企业版 文件大小:684MB 硬件要求:AMD Athlon64 系列,Intel Pentim4 with EMT64,XEON with EMT64 CPUmHv 语言:英语L.Z8b CDKEY:VCFQD-V9FX9-46WVH-K3CD4-4J3JM-5L 64位操作系统语言包:包括简体中文、...
Windows XP Professional 32-bit version Similar to the 'Windows XP Professional 64-bit version,' you can simply click on this link to download the 32-bit version: https://archive.org/download/WinXPProSP3x86/en_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-73974.iso ...
Windows XP 64-bit Edition Version 2003 (English)详细信息 文件名en_windows_xp_pro_64bit.isoSHA1...