It would help to have a tool such as XBMC (X-Mouse Button Control). You can configure your mouse to work in a specific way for individual application windows. It also has many more options you can play with. You have to create application-specific profiles. These are activated automatically...
【X-Mouse Button Control】图集图片展示频道,提供当下X-Mouse Button Control官方最新版V2.9.1客户端截图、X-Mouse Button Control界面图片、X-Mouse Button Control官方图、活动图、宣传图等图片赏析服务,还有X-Mouse Button Control本地下载服务!欢迎您的到来,看软件图集就到天极下载站! X-Mouse Button Control一...
Windows下推荐X-MouseButtonControl,免费软件 Mac下推荐SteerMouse,收费软件,任何版本均需要选择注册后才能正常使用,否则会遇到定时失效的问题(?)
X-Mouse Button Control图集介绍 天极下载站[]★X-Mouse Button Control图集频道,提供X-Mouse Button Control电脑软件截图、X-Mouse Button Control客户端使用背景图、X-Mouse Button Control界面图片、X-Mouse Button Control官方图活动图宣传图等图集分享,还有X-Mouse Button Control官方最新版一键...
引发MouseClick事件。 MouseUp事件被引发。 备注 如果用户在按住鼠标按钮时将指针移出切换控件(例如,在按下时将鼠标从Button控件上移开),那么切换控件将显示在凸起的状态,并且仅发生MouseUp事件。 在这种情况下,不会发生Click或MouseClick事件。 另请参阅
startPoint = control.PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y)); } private void Form1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { // If the mouse is being dragged, // undraw and redraw the rectangle as the mouse moves. if (isDrag) // Hide the previous rectangle by calli...
(e.Button==MouseButtons.Left) { isDrag =true; } Control control = (Control) sender;// Calculate the startPoint by using the PointToScreen// method.startPoint = control.PointToScreen(newPoint(e.X, e.Y)); }privatevoidForm1_MouseMove(objectsender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e){// If...
MouseClick事件被引发。 引发MouseUp事件。 备注 如果用户在按住鼠标按钮时将指针移出切换控件(例如在按住时将鼠标从Button控件上移开),则切换控件将显示为凸起状态,并且仅会触发MouseUp事件。 在这种情况下,不会发生Click或MouseClick事件。 另请参阅 其他资源 ...
{ // Update the mouse path with the mouse information Point mouseDownLocation = new Point(e.X, e.Y); string eventString = null; switch (e.Button) { case MouseButtons.Left: eventString = "L"; break; case MouseButtons.Right: eventString = "R"; break; case MouseButtons.Middle: eve...
Obtém ou define se um elemento de interface do usuário dá suporte ao modo de mouse, que emula experiências de interação de ponteiro com dispositivos de entrada sem ponteiro, como um painel de jogo ou controle remoto. (Herdado de Control) Resources Obtém o dicionário de recursos...