This article will show you how to determine what ports are being used in windows and then turn it off.
aIn Windows environment, you can check which ports are currently in use (already reserved by some program) from CMD commandline prompt with the command NETSTAT -A . Select randomly some port number, which is not shown in the list. The command should output the currently used ports with resul...
Scroll down to the com ports, choose the virtual one you are trying to use. How many com ports are in the list? Choose the advanced button and change the com port number. 0 votes Report a concern Sign in to comment Accepted answer Ian Xue 37,276 Reputation points • Micro...
This site adds: If the server has NBT enabled, it listens on UDP ports 137, 138, and on TCP ports 139, 445. If it has NBT disabled, it listens on TCP port 445 only. And this site (archived) mentions: "In Windows 2000/XP/2003, Microsoft added the possibility to run SMB directly ...
如果设备监护或凭据保护功能未被禁用,或未完全卸载使用 BitLocker 启用 Hyper-V 用户可能会重新启动失败。具体来说,在重新启动时,您会收到以下蓝屏上的错误信息︰ PC 设备需要修复。 无法访问所需的文件,因为 BitLocker 密钥未正确加载。 错误代码︰ 0xc0210000 ...
Read: How to usePort Query Tool (PortQry.exe). Check which process or service is using the open port Now when we know what all ports are open in our system, we can also check which service is using which open port. To check that, go to the PID (Process ID) tab. ...
In those situations, it is better to know which ports are used and which application is using that specific port. That way, you can either change the port or terminate the problem-causing application so that the other one works as it should. ...
Under the Properties window that opens, switch to the ‘Ports’ tab and look at the list of the ports and make sure the port type matches the connection, currently in use. If the printer is using a USB connection, the port’s description should include USB or DOT 4. ...
防火墙系统有助于阻止对计算机资源进行未经授权的访问。 如果防火墙已打开但却未正确配置,则可能会阻止连接 SQL Server 。 若要通过防火墙访问 SQL Server 实例,必须在运行 SQL Server。 防火墙是 Microsoft Windows 的一个组件。 也可以安装其他供应商的防火墙。 本文讨论如何配置 Windows 防火墙,不过所述基本原理也适...
Ports that are used with client push installation In addition to the ports listed in the following table, client push installation also uses Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request messages from the site server to the client computer to confirm whether the client computer is available...