Take a trip through the history of Windows by checking out and downloading every wallpaper that's ever been included with the OS.
Reddit Wallpaper Changer[ 2017-12-04 | 1.97 MB |Open Source | Win 10 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP | 4928 | 5 ] Reddit Wallpaper Changer can scrape Reddit for wallpapers and display them based on numerous available settings. Video tutorial available. ...
该应用程序从 BING、Reddit 和 DeviantArt 下载图像。 图像存储在您选择的文件夹中,因此可以用作墙纸或锁屏。 请阅读每个来源的免责声明您可以在 Windows 计划程序中设置一个任务来运行应用程序并每天下载图像,这可以存储在文件夹中或临时文件夹中。 可以使用多种方法重命名图像。 您可以选择从 BING 的不同区域下载...
Reddit Wallpaper for Windows 10 > 看到类似的计划 Photomatix Pro 结合和自动化不同曝光的图像处理在PC上. Lauseiviimg 打开和查看数码照片. Wallpaper HD Background for Windows 10 获得最好的壁纸背景 ScreenCap 在桌面上捕获图像,然后保存,打印和转换它们 ...
Reddit Wallpaper for Windows 10v1.2.3.0 Reddit壁纸将您的锁屏图像,桌面壁纸和/或设备背景设置为从您所有最喜爱的subreddits的首页提取的图像 Reddit Wallpaper for Windows 10 编辑评价 Fromtoadlybroodle:Reddit壁纸将您的锁屏图像,桌面壁纸和/或设备背景设置为从所有最喜爱的子代码的首页提取的...
如果你想要更加独特的壁纸,也可以考虑在其他平台上寻找,如 DeviantArt、Reddit 等,或者尝试自己制作。下载完成后,壁纸就会出现在 Wallpaper Engine 的"壁纸"标签页中。 三、应用并自定义动态壁纸 选中你想要应用的动态壁纸,点击"应用"即可将其设置为当前桌面背景。如果壁纸支持自定义选项,你还可以点击"设置"进行更...
Win10 Ugly 丑陋毛衣主题壁纸下载:最高 4K 分辨率 微软目前正在销售一套纪念Windows历史的“Ugly 丑陋毛衣”,但如果你也想在节日里装扮你的电脑,现在你可以从WallpaperHub免费下载微软主题的各种分辨率的“丑陋毛衣”壁纸,最高可达4K分辨率。 Tags:毛衣,Windows 10,主题,壁纸 ...
New for Windows 11, you can also change the wallpaper for each desktop to make it easier to identify at a glance. Whatever theme you've selected will be applied across the board, though. 5. Tweak Your Privacy Settings We've always worried about third parties tracking us as we use our ...
Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.9.1 13 ✅ Can't change wallpaper with a message: Disabled by your admin. Ruler (F-Droid) 1.1 12 ❌ While the app is correctly installed, the ruler lengths are wildly off-course no matter how much in-app calibration is done. The app also refuses to recognis...
To enable VRR on Windows 10, open Settings > System > Display > Graphics settings, and turn on the “Variable Refresh Rate” toggle switch.