Windows 7 或 Windows Vista 计算机处理器 2.0 千兆赫 (GHz) 内存 1 千兆字节 (GB) 或随机存取内存 (RAM) 硬盘空间 7 GB 的可用硬盘空间。专用的服务器和地图编辑器需要更多硬盘空间。 视频卡 ATI X 700 或 Nvidia 6100 128 兆字节 (MB) RAM 和以下功能的显示适配器︰ ...
解析 急你所急:对计算机系统的最低要求:操作系统:视窗XP、视窗Vista和视窗7中央处理器:英特尔双核(2兆赫)或等值的AMD(超微半导体公司)中央处理器随机存取存储器: 1GB (视窗XP)或2GB(视窗Vista或视窗7)硬盘:12GB的可用硬盘空间图像:512MB的图像记忆卡声卡:与DirectX 9接口兼容DirectX接口:第九版...
Microsoft has divided up the system requirements for Vista into two groups: a minimum requirement to run Vista at all, and an expanded requirement to use some of the more advanced features (mainly the full Aero features). Basic 800mhz Processor 512MB RAM DX9 "capable" GPU with 32MB video...
Windows Vista User Experience Articles Technical Articles The Addressing Model of the Open Packaging Conventions The Advantages of Running Applications on Windows Vista Application Compatibility Notes for Backup and Recovery in Windows Vista and Longhorn Server Application Development Requirements for User Accou...
An x64 (64-bit) version of Windows Vista must be used. Contact the computer vendor to determine whether your computer meets these requirements. Note When the physical RAM that is installed on a computer equals the address space that is supported by the chipset, the tot...
網際網路資訊服務 7.0 (IIS 7.0) 和更新版本是 Windows Vista™ 操作系統的網頁伺服器平臺。 IIS 7.0 和更新版本引進了舊版 IIS 的許多變更。 這些變更可能會影響使用者與 IIS 互動的方式,因為使用者可能並不明顯創新(有些造成重大變更),或者因為 IIS 7.0 和更新版本已消除使用者可能預期會發現的功能。
In a number of cases, no changes will be necessary to comply with Microsoft Windows® Security requirements. However, some applications, including line of business (LOB) applications, may require changes to their install, function, and update processes to properly work in a Windows Vista UAC ...
Windows XP Professional x64 Edition 是第一個支援 x64 技術的消費者導向 Windows 操作系統(OS),Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 可大幅擴大 64 位消費者運算的 OS 啟用可用性。 由於許多新電腦上的 RAM 標準為 2 GB,記憶體調整的進一步改善將無法讓無法處理超過 2 GB 實體 RAM 的 32 位個別應用程式受益。...
Windows Vista Application Development Requirements for User Account Control Compatibility (開發人員必閱讀的白皮書!!! ) Windows Vista Demo Sample Code (New!) Understanding and Configuring User Account Control in Windows Vista (IT Pro 白皮書!!! ) Develoloing Applications that Run at Logon on Windows ...
您可以在“控制面板中打开“系统属性,切换至“高级选项卡(如果是Windows Vista及以上版本的Windows请在左上方的工具栏中选择“高级系统设置,确认用户帐户控制(UAC)安全提示,然后再切换至“高级选项卡),在“高级选项卡中打开“启动与故障恢复。您可以在“启动与故障恢复选项中找到“写入调试信息的下拉菜单,在下拉菜单中...