解析 急你所急:对计算机系统的最低要求:操作系统:视窗XP、视窗Vista和视窗7中央处理器:英特尔双核(2兆赫)或等值的AMD(超微半导体公司)中央处理器随机存取存储器: 1GB (视窗XP)或2GB(视窗Vista或视窗7)硬盘:12GB的可用硬盘空间图像:512MB的图像记忆卡声卡:与DirectX 9接口兼容DirectX接口:第九版...
Halo 2 for Windows Vista requires a personal computer that meets the following minimum requirements. Unsupported hardware The hardware must pass a system check when you run the Setup program or when you run the game. If the hardware does not pass the system check, you receive ...
针对Windows Vista 的光晕 2 专为使用 Windows 体验指数的总分 3 或更高版本中运行 Windows Vista 的计算机。我们建议 Windows 体验索引 5 分。 若要启动性能信息和工具实用程序在 Windows Vista 中,请执行以下步骤︰ 单击开始 ,在开始搜索框中,键入性能信息和工具,然后按 enter 键。
I need to install Adobe Acrobat Pro X for windows on my laptop and my operating system is Windows Vista Home Premium but I cannot because the system is telling me I can't due to not meeting minimum requirements. What may I do to upgrade my system so the...
System Requirements and More Not surprisingly, as it has been several years since the last release of Windows, Microsoft has let Vista grow into the expanded memory and processing power of newer computers. Microsoft has divided up the system requirements for Vista into two groups: a minimum ...
Internet Information Services 7.0 (IIS 7.0) 及更高版本是 Windows Vista™ 操作系统的 Web 服务器平台。 IIS 7.0 及更高版本引入了早期版本的 IIS 的许多更改。 这些更改可能会影响用户与 IIS 交互的方式,这可能是因为创新(有些会导致中断性变更)对用户来说可能不明显,也可能是因为 IIS...
System requirements for Windows Vista.(Microsoft Windows Vista)Monckton, Paul
用户必须能够通过使用 Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 控制面板中的“程序和功能”或 Windows XP 控制面板中的“添加或删除程序”来删除游戏。 在Windows XP 和以前的 Windows 版本中,游戏安装程序可根据需要自由创建程序组、桌面图标或快捷方式。 理由 Windows 游戏资源管理器的概念与 Windows XP 文件夹我的...
On the other hand, you shouldcheck if your computer meets theWindows 10 system requirementsbefore the update. Now, let’s see the minimum hardware requirements to install Windows 10 from the Microsoft website: Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster processor or SoC ...
Hardware requirements for Windows Vista may change before its official release. The present requirements can provide a guideline, and are as follows: A computer with one gigahertz or higher processor clock speed recommended; 300 MHz minimum required (single or dual processor system); Intel Pentium/...