The last post was of bad taste, and that was my sole opinion. I would never post something like this in news, and sites that do so are the whole reason this got blown so out of proportion. RSS support in Vista is excellent, and I completely agree with the rest of the post. Vista...
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Windows Vista is a dramatic upgrade to the Windows operating system, providing a wealth of new and improved libraries and services that reach beyond WinFX, allowing you to build more powerful applications with less code. This article introduces a number of new features that you can expect from ...
Wenn Sie in Windows Vista die Systemsteuerung öffnen, werden Sie feststellen, dass sie in zehn Funktionalitätsbereiche unterteilt ist, wobei sich die meisten sicherheitsorientierten Applets in den Kategorien „Sicherheit“, „Programme“ und „Netzwerk und Internet“ befinden. Mithilfe des...
yes, it is possible to upgrade from windows xp to windows vista, but it requires a clean installation, which means you will need to back up your files and reinstall your applications. what is the windows vista service pack? the windows vista service pack (sp) was a major update released ...
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用户帐户控制(UAC)是 Windows Vista 的新安全组件。 UAC 使用户能够以非管理员身份执行常见的日常任务。 这些用户称为Windows Vista 中的标准用户。 属于本地管理员组成员的用户帐户将使用最低权限原则运行大多数应用程序。 在此方案中,最低特权用户具有与标准用户帐户的权限类似的权限。 但是,当本地管理员组的成员...
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