Tutorial explaining how to use dig command on windows for DNS lookups. Download dig command for windows here
Unfortunately, it isn’t shipped with Windows 10, but we can get a version of dig that runs on Windows 10/11 by installing BIND tools. The quickest way to install DIG on Windows 11/10 is to use the Chocolatey package manager.Open a PowerShell console and execute the following command to...
windows默认是使用nslookup,有时需要使用dig工具,这里简单进行说明主要是这3个步骤 1.下载dig并安装 2.解析测试 3.配置环境变量 1.下载dig并安装 https://www.isc.org...version=win-64-bit 下载后解压,以管理员身份运行 BINDInstall.exe 选择Tools Only,这里不安装bind服务,只安装dig工具。...image.png 2....
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Currentversion\Multimedia\SystemProfile\Tasks Figure A** Affichage du temps processeur et des cycles Delta dans Process Explorer **(Cliquer sur l'image pour l'agrandir)Figure 3** Définition de tâche audio du Planificateur de tâches multimédias...
Registret i 64-bitarsversioner av Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 och Windows Vista är indelat i 32- och 64-bitarsnycklar. Många av 32-bitarsnycklarna har samma namn som sina 64-bitars motsvarigheter och vice versa. Standardversionen av 64-bitarsversionen av Registereditorn som in...
After you have configured your system and copied the correct version of sysprep.exe to the system, you must follow these steps:From the command prompt that is on the reference computer, change to the directory where sysprep.exe is located. Start Sysprep (you can also start by double-clicking...
Windows PE in order to boot. There is a Microsoft support article in the works that will describe how to do this. A couple of important caveats: you will not be able to swap media, as you can with a RAMDisk, and it will boot more slowly than a RAMDisk-based version of Windows PE ...
Which version of DirectX should your game use?If you're choosing DirectX for your game, then you'll need to decide which version to use: Microsoft Direct3D 12 or Microsoft Direct3D 11.DirectX 12 is faster and more efficient than any previous version. Direct3D 12 enables richer scenes, ...
Copy this destination and paste it into the Registry Editor’s address bar, and hitEnter:Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Right-click into the void on the right in theAdvanced folder. SelectNew > DWORD (32-bit value)and name itEnableXamlStart...
A: Depends on version - you have to add subkey in BuiltIn registry key with name of device and name of DLL. Look to Platform Builder documentation.Mikethom[MS] (Expert): Q: I notice uniscribe is included in platform builder 5.0 , is it available in WM5 ROMs ? in which dll ? A: ...