总结:Windows路径区分大小写,适用win11、server2022等高版本系统,不适用≤server2019/win10系统 ①≤2016的系统没有setCaseSensitiveInfo这个参数 ②win10/server2019有这个参数了,但是执行enable命令报错,执行disable命令不报错,属于过渡地带 ③server2022/win11等高版本系统完整支持fsutil file setCaseSensitiveInfo C:\Win...
The-aoption is case sensitive. Use the fully qualified domain name of the forest root domain regardless of the domain that the originating domain controller resides in. For example, if the originating domain controller resided in any domain in theContoso.comforest and had a GUID of 644...
public static void SetCaseSensitiveForms(DependencyObject element, bool value); 參數 element DependencyObject 要設定 CaseSensitiveForms 屬性值的相依性物件。 value Boolean 要設定屬性的目標新值。 適用於 產品版本 WinRT Build 10240, Build 10586, Build 14383, Build 15063, Build 16299, Build 17134, Bu...
When you use ASCII characters, don't use character case to indicate the owner or the purpose of a computer. For ASCII characters, DNS isn't case-sensitive. Windows and Windows applications don't preserve case in all situations. Use only the characters that are listed inRFC ...
CaseSensitivity CI指定不区分大小写,CS指定区分大小写。 AccentSensitivity AI指定不区分重音,AS指定区分重音。 KanatypeSensitive 省略此选项指定 kanatype-insensitive,KS指定 kanatype-sensitive。 WidthSensitivity 省略此选项指定不区分宽度,WS指定区分宽度。
Note:Although Windows 2000 stores user names in the case that you enter, user names aren't case sensitive. For example, you can access the Administrator account with the user name Administrator or administrator. Thus, user names are case aware but not case sensitive. ...
新文件。使用UNIX样式模式位指定。-o anon 作为匿名用户装载。-o nolock 禁用锁定。-o casesensitive=yes|no 指定在服务器上执行区分大小写的文件查找。-o sec=sys|krb5|krb5i|krb5p 有此类输出表明NFS服务启动成功。 磁盘挂载 映射磁盘驱动器 映射网络上的一个地址即可 ...
此範例會將IsTextSearchCaseSensitive屬性系結至IsChecked的CheckBox屬性。 如果選取核取方塊,且使用者輸入 「dog」,則會選取 中的ItemsControl第三個專案。 如果使用者取消選取核取方塊並輸入 「dog」,則會選取第一個專案,因為案例不是搜尋的條件。 XAML
Server 2012 RDS - Remote Desktop Connection Broker Client failed to redirect the user domain\username. Error: NULL Server 2012 RemoteApp custom port Server 2012 says no internet access Server 2012 Server Manager Refresh Failed Server 2012 Standard R2 Standalone Update gives "The update is not appli...