注册表路径为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment,创建一个键为:UserInitMprLogonScript,其键值为我们要启动的程序路径 效果如下: 屏幕保护程序 在对方开启屏幕保护的情况下,我们可以修改屏保程序为我们的恶意程序从而达到后门持久化的目的 其中屏幕保护的配置存储在注册表中,其位置为:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop...
注册表路径:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment 创建一个键为:UserInitMprLogonScript(只能使用这个键名) 设置其键值为要启动的程序路径:c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe 计算机开机时就会自动执行该程序 排查与处置思路 检查注册表中HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment的UserInitMprLogonScript值,并删除恶意程序 屏幕保护程序 原理 ...
HKCU\Environment\UserInitMprLogonScript: 这个键位于 HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) 的 Environment 分支下,它用于存储与当前用户环境相关的设置。UserInitMprLogonScript键可能被设置为在用户登录时运行一个脚本或程序。这个脚本通常用于配置用户特定的环境设置或执行一些登录任务。例如,它可能用于映射网络驱动器、设置环境...
在“加载 Hive”对话框中,找到Profilepath\Default User\Ntuser.dat 文件,其中Profilepath是默认用户配置文件的文件系统位置。 选择打开。 在“加载 Hive”对话框中,键入配置单元的名称,然后选择“确定”。 备注 Ntuser.dat文件已隐藏。 如果找不到或加载Ntuser.dat文件,则必须在 Win...
To run Windows PowerShell scripts first at user logon, logoff, startup, and shutdown, on your Windows computer follow these steps-Advertisements PressWin+R. Typegpedit.mscand hit theEnterbutton. Go toScriptsinComputer Configuration. Double-click onRun Windows PowerShell scripts first at user log...
The reason logging is not enabled by default is that you need to provide a location on your network, where all users can write, as the logon script runs as the end user, who is typically not domain administrator. Once you have set up logging, you can use the two log sub-menus in ...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Allow-LogonScript-NetBIOSDisabled Value Type: DWORD Value Data: 00000001You must also enable the Allow Cross-Forest User Policy and Roaming User Profiles GPO. When you do this, the fo...
We have some new Windows 10 PCs in a primary school. When a domain user logs on to one of these machines for the first time, the logon script fails to run nor any group policy settings are not downloaded. This means the user has to log off, then back on again for the settings...
問題描述: You may experience certain situations where you may want to prevent a computer from running a user logon script. For example, you may want to do this when a terminal server hosts a special environment for a forest. A.KB924034於server 2008也適...
I am looking for answers as to why my client's Windows 10 machine does not run it's logon script (distributed through Group Policy). The script is very simple (identifying info redacted): NET USE /DELETE N: NET USE N: \domain.com\folder copy "\folderpath.lnk" "%userprofile%\...