When I hit Shut Down, it asked to do UPDATE. I hit yes, not thinking of what might happen. When the computer finally rebooted after 30 minutes plus, I looked for my main account on my desktop. I see the Name of the account but there is only one account now....
Can Windows 10 be configured to accept multiple (more than 2) remote desktop connections at the same time? Can Windows 10 Storage Spaces be moved to another computer? Can't add my current email as a new alias Can't boot to C: drive can't boot, can't update, can't fix, can't sl...
Step 3. Click either "Keep my files" or "Remove everything", depending on whether you want to keep your data files intact. Either way, all of your settings will return to their defaults, and apps will be uninstalled. Step 4. After the process, a window will pop up, saying that your...
Microsoft 支持:为什么 Windows 7 中的"显示桌面"按钮丢失? 在体验全新的 Windows 7 时,他迫不及待,突然发现以前位于左下角的"快速启动"上的"显示桌面"按钮已消失。 新Windows 已取消此函数吗? 他有点不满意... 事实上,Windows 7 进行了细微更改。 如果你仔细查看,在桌面右下角,你将发现一点长条。 ...
so I searched for them in Windows search. I found them and placed them on the desktop as they were before the update. Also, my wallpaper and several settings were changed. But the next day, I found them lost and couldn't get them back anymore. Please help." - fromMicrosoft Community...
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The Desktop FilesShared Computing with Windows SteadyStateWes MillerI know if you've been anywhere near a computer lab in the last 10 years or so, you're familiar with this problem. It was something I first saw when I was in college. At the time, the labs were open all hours of the...
Improved window management: The updated taskbar and windows arranging features go a long way towards making Windows easier to use with touch. There have been several subtle but critical touch optimizations: The taskbar buttons and thumbnails are ideally sized for pressing with touch, and specific beh...
Hey, Scripting Guy!: Naively Taking on Local Users and Groups Security Watch: The Security Configuration Wizard The Desktop Files: When I’m x64 Inside Microsoft.com: Using Active Directory Federation Services Field Notes: The Joy (and Pain) of Learning Windows Confidential: The Power of Bugs...
This installment of the security series will talk through Active Directory and GPO utilization to secure your Windows 7 desktop environment with the Windows 7 Security Guide. Video: TechNet Video: How Do I: Configure and Use Advanced Group Policy Management? Video: TechNet Video: GPO Accelerator ...