How do you solve windows stuck on the Please Wait screen? This article will provide you with 6 proven methods to help you solve your problem.
1、一直等待更新完成或还原完成,系统重启之后,打开控制面板,找到系统和安全,点击打开;2、找到windows update,点击打开;3、进入到windows update配置页面时,点击左侧列表中的更改设置;4、在这一页面中,把重要更新下面的选项,由自动安装更新改为从不检查更新,然后把下面两个选项前的勾,都取消掉,...
控制面板--右上角改为大图标--Windows 更新(updata)--更改设置--设置为从不检查更新。之后,重启机器测试。或者你还可以这样 开机。按“F8”,打开并进入“安全模式”安全模式下进入但还是显示配置windows update失败,不要着急,等待10分钟可能更久(一般不超过2小时。注意!在正常启动的情况下等待5...
配置Windows Update更新下载及安装方式: 1 #NotificationLevel说明: 2 # 0:未配置,不会对当前设置进行更改 3 # 1:从不检查更新 4 # 2:检查更新,但是让我选择是否下载和安装更新 5 # 3:下载更新,但是让我选择是否安装更新 6 # 4:自动安装更新
Step 4. Wait for your PC to shut down and restart. This may take a few minutes.Fix 2. Enable the Windows Update ServiceAre you looking for another way to overcome this error? One possible reason behind windows not updating could be that the Windows update service is disabled. Enabling ...
1.Restart Windows Update Service Press Win + R, type services.msc and hit Enter to open Services. Find ‘Windows Update’ in the list, right-click it and select ‘Stop’. Wait a few moments, then right-click it again and select ‘Start’. ...
控制面板--右上角改为大图标--Windows 更新(updata)--更改设置--设置为从不检查更新。之后,重启机器测试。或者你还可以这样 开机。按“F8”,打开并进入“安全模式”安全模式下进入但还是显示配置windows update失败,不要着急,等待10分钟可能更久(一般不超过2小时。注意!在正常启动的情况下等待5...
When I run Windows Update I get below error. I have deleted content of and even renamed ** C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution **folder but no luck.How can I fix this please?ThanksRegardsAll replies (2)Monday, July 4, 2016 3:08 AM ✅AnsweredHello,...
Please wait for a feature update to be available for your device. Windows Update is downloading the latest version of Windows 11. After the downloading process is completed, please click [Restart now]⑤ to start to install the latest version of Windows 11. Note: It will take some time ...
1 #NotificationLevel说明: 2 # 0:未配置,不会对当前设置进行更改 3 # 1:从不检查更新 4 # 2:检查更新,但是让我选择是否下载和安装更新 5 # 3:下载更新,但是让我选择是否安装更新 6 # 4:自动安装更新 7 8 $AutoUpdateSettings = (New-Object -com "Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate").Settings 9 $AutoUp...