Download | Version: 2919442 Date Published: 3/10/2014 File Name: Windows8.1-KB2919442-x64.msu File Size: 10.2 MB KB Articles: KB2919442 Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Know...
Download | Version: 3172605 Date Published: 7/21/2016 File Name: Windows6.1-KB3172605-x64.msu File Size: 29.2 MB KB Articles: KB3172605 Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Know... https://* https://* 0x80240022 消息说明缓解操作 WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED;所有更新的操作都失败。此错误的多个根本原因。最常见的问题是防病毒软件阻止访问某些... https://* https://* 0x80240022 訊息描述風險降低 WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED;所有更新的作業失敗。此錯誤的多個根本原因。最常見的問題是防病毒軟體封鎖對特定資料...
Note: The above link directly opens the Microsoft Update Catalog which is the library of Windows Update offline installers. You need to click on the Download button next to the version of the OS installed on your machine and run the .msu files to begin the installation of the update. ... https://* https://* 0x80240022 訊息描述風險降低 WU_E_ALL_UPDATES_FAILED;所有更新的作業失敗。此錯誤的多個根本原因。最常見的問題是防病毒軟體封鎖對特定資料...
出现这个问题应该是系统的自动更新服务被禁用了,开启这个服务即可。win+R键调出运行输入框,输入services.msc,回车打开服务管理 器,找到windows update,看看是不是被禁用了,如果禁用了双击,将启动类型改为自动或者手动才能启动windows update服务,启动windows update服务后在双击运行.msu更新即可。
File Name: Windows6.1-KB3075220-x64.msu File Size: 3.9 MB KB Articles: KB3075220 Security bulletins: MS15-082 现已确认 Microsoft 软件产品中存在可能会影响您的系统的安全问题。您可以通过安装本 Microsoft 更新程序来保护您的系统不受侵害。有关本更新程序中所含问题的完整列表,请参阅相关 Microsoft 知识...
Note: The above link opens the Microsoft Update Catalog which is the library of Windows Update offline installers. You need to click on the ‘Download’ button next to the version of the OS installed on your machine and run the.msufiles to begin the installation of the update. ...
Use the identified KB numbers to search for the updates in theMicrosoft Update Catalog. Download the updates associated with each KB number to restore the missing or corrupted files. Step 3: Extract the .msu and .cab files To address the corrupted files identified in theCBS.logfile, ex...