Windows Update Error- Intel-System- Error 0x8007010 This driver is already installed, thus the error. How can I clear this update and subsequent...
进入 设置 > 更新和安全 > 故障排除 > Windows Update运行疑难解答停止 Windows Update 进程,然后在 C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download 文件夹删除所有文件或文件夹重启 Windows Update 并检查更新若问题仍存,可尝试在设备管理器中卸载 Intel GPU 驱动,重启系统后使用基本驱动值得注意的是,去年通...
Intel(R) Corporation - System - was available as an update in Windows Update twice, so I pressed download and install and it installed twice looking at reliability history. Will that affect the functionality of my Windows 11 device? Device Manager shows everything is fine with no...
windows update fail with Intel extension with install error 0x80070103 I went to Microsoft and they found I had some driver needed updateing and they updated them for mr from you site. I tried to find that site again today, because the update did not help, and windows...
(4048046),windows 8.1企业版的话,个人觉得,可以安装windows 8.1 with update(4048578),然后呢,如果你去国内的新msdn,那么,你需要选上显示详细信息,才会看到这个数字,如果你去国内的旧msdn,那么,你需要去掉重复显示最新,才能看到这个数字,激活的话,国内的爱好论坛有windows 8.1专业版和windows 8.1企业版的激活码,...
首先,用户需要访问“设置”>“更新和安全”>“故障排除”,然后选择“Windows Update”进行疑难解答。另一种方法是清理Windows Update缓存,包括停止Windows Update服务,删除C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download文件夹中的所有内容,重启服务并检查更新。尽管微软采取了一些措施来改善驱动程序质量,如上个...
Can't Install Intel Update Through Windows Update I'm trying to install update Intel- System - 2131.1.4.0, and it keeps giving me install error - 0x8007012a. I clicked on retry all, and then the update goes away, but then it comes back often. I try ......
商務用 Windows Update 客戶:部署驅動程式和韌體更新 - 商務用 Windows Update 部署服務 Intune:瞭解 Windows 10 中 Windows 11 裝置的 Windows 驅動程式更新原則 Intune 自動修補:管理驅動程式和韌體更新 - Windows 部署 更新為相容版本的Intel® Smart Sound Technology驅動程序之後,您應該能夠升級至 Windows 11。
Re:Why Windows Update/Intel Corporation - Extension is showing 3 Different Versions of updates? You're correct, the Device Manager typically only shows the latest drivers installed. However, when you're updating a driver, Windows creates a restore point and...
這個更新解決在安裝後智慧聲音技術 Intel 驅動程式 (版本,透過 Windows Update 或以手動的方式,電腦的音訊可能停止運作的問題。 重新啟動需求 套用此更新之後,可能需要重新啟動電腦。 如何取得此更新 將下載此更新程式,並將其從 Windows Update to影響系統...