0x80070BC9 消息说明缓解操作 ERROR_FAIL_REBOOT_REQUIRED请求的操作失败。 重启系统以回滚所做的更改。确保没有任何策略控制 Windows Installer 服务的启动行为。 此服务应由操作系统管理。 Windows Installer 服务的默认启动类型为Manual。 0x80200053 消息说明缓解操作 ...
0X8007000D 訊息描述風險降低 ERROR_INVALID_DATA指出下載無效的數據,或發生損毀。嘗試重新下載更新並開始安裝。 0x8024A10A 訊息描述風險降低 USO_E_SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN指出 Windows Update 服務正在關閉。此錯誤可能發生在長時間無活動之後。 系統無法回應,導致服務處於閑置狀態,導致服務關閉。 請...
0X8007000D 訊息描述風險降低 ERROR_INVALID_DATA指出下載無效的數據,或發生損毀。嘗試重新下載更新並開始安裝。 0x8024A10A 訊息描述風險降低 USO_E_SERVICE_SHUTTING_DOWN指出 Windows Update 服務正在關閉。此錯誤可能發生在長時間無活動之後。 系統無法回應,導致服務處於閑置狀態,導致服務關閉。 請確定系統保持作用中...
version 22H2, because the update fails to install with error 0x8007000d. The error code "0x8007000d" in the Windows 11 v122H2 update is usually caused because of corrupted downloaded files or because of a non-compliant device driver or software. ...
@MasterOfChilli According to the log files, it seems that the issue is due to the server missing the April 12, 2022—KB5012596 (OS Build 14393.5066).Please try to check whether the Server has installed theKB5011570: Servicing stack update for Windows 10, version 1607 and Server ...
2025-02 Cumulative update for Windows 10 version 1809 for the x64-based system (KB5052000) failed to install with different errors 0xd0000034, 0x800f0922, 0x8000ffff, 0x800f0826 and more. There are several possible reasonswhy Windows updates may fail to install, such as low disk space, ...
0x800f0922 Unable to install due to insufficient disk space or issues with the .NET Framework or other components 0x80070057or0x80080005 Corrupted files, permission issues or incorrect system configurations 0xC1900101 Incompatible driver is causing the update to fail ...
0x8007000d Problēma ar Windows Update failiem vai bojātiem failiem atjaunināšanas kešatmiņā 0x800705b4 Atjaunināšana notika pārāk ilgi, lai instalētu vai tas tika pārtraukts 0x80240034 Atjaunināšanas process ir iestrēdzis nepilnīga atjauninājuma ...
0x00000643 -4294965693 ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE Fatal error during installation 0x00000652 -4294965678 ERROR_INSTALL_ALREADY_RUNNING Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install. 0x000006D9 -4294965543 EPT_S_Not_Registered There are no more endpo...
c000001d STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION NULL c0000006 STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR NULL 0x0 Success NULL 8007000d The Data is invalid. Cannot open NULL 8007048f The device is not connected. NULL 800705af The paging file is too small for this operation to complete NULL 80070020 The process cannot access...