0x8024000BWU_E_CALL_CANCELLED操作已取消。 0x8024000CWU_E_NOOP无需进行操作。 0x8024000DWU_E_XML_MISSINGDATAWindows 更新代理在更新的 XML 数据中找不到所需的信息。 0x8024000EWU_E_XML_INVALIDWindows 更新代理在更新的 XML 数据中找到无效信息。
若要顯示錯誤碼的相關資訊: UCUpdateAlert|where ErrorCode =="0X8024000b" 若要依子類型顯示作用中警示的裝置計數: UCUpdateAlert |where AlertStatus =="Active"|summarize Devices=count() by AlertSubtype品質和安全性更新有何差異?Windows 品質更新是當 月第二或第四個星期二發行的每月更新。 當月第二個星期...
This Exit Codes or Return Values can be retrieved from an Windows Update Installation. Return Code Return Code HEX Message 2359297 0x240001 WU_S_SERVICE_STOP 2359298 0x240002 WU_S_SELFUPDATE 2359299 0x240003 WU_S_UPDATE_ERROR 2359300 0x240004 WU_S_MARKED_FOR_DISCONNECT 2359301 0x240005 WU_S...
0x80243003WU_E_INSTALLATION_RESULTS_NOT_FOUND無法使用下載和安裝的結果;作業可能無法啟動。 0x80243004WU_E_TRAYICON_FAILURE嘗試在工作列通知區域中建立圖示時發生失敗。 0x80243FFDWU_E_NON_UI_MODE無法在非 UI 模式下顯示 UI;可能未安裝 Windows Update 用戶端 UI 模組。
You might also receive this error when we're unable to filter the results.0x8024000EExpand table MessageDescriptionMitigation WU_E_XML_INVALID Windows Update Agent found information in the update's XML data that isn't valid. Certain drivers contain more metadata information in Update.xml, which...
0x8024000AWU_E_COULDNOTCANCELCancellation of the operation was not allowed. 0x8024000BWU_E_CALL_CANCELLEDOperation was cancelled. 0x8024000CWU_E_NOOPNo operation was required. 0x8024000DWU_E_XML_MISSINGDATAWindows Update Agent could not find the required information in the update's XML data. ...
WU_S_UPDATE_ERROR Overall operation completed but error occurred while processing one or more specified updates. 0x00240004 -4292607996 WU_S_MARKED_FOR_DISCONNECT The caller attempted to disconnect an operation but the operation is busy calling back so the callback is marked for disconnect later ...
0x8024000B 消息说明缓解操作 WU_E_CALL_CANCELLED操作已取消。操作已由用户或服务取消。 当我们无法筛选结果时,也可能会收到此错误。 0x8024000E 消息说明缓解操作 WU_E_XML_INVALIDWindows 更新代理在更新的 XML 数据中找到无效的信息。某些驱动程序在Update.xml中包含更多元数据信息,业务流程协调程序可以解释为无效...
0x8024000E 메시지설명완화 방법 WU_E_XML_INVALIDWindows 업데이트 에이전트는 업데이트의 XML 데이터에서 유효하지 않은 정보를 찾았습니다.특정 드라이버는 Update.xml 더 많은 메타데이터 정보...
0x8024000B WU_E_CALL_CANCELLED Operation was cancelled. 0x8024000C WU_E_NOOP No operation was required. 0x8024000D WU_E_XML_MISSINGDATA Windows Update Agent could not find required information in the update's XML data. 0x8024000E