输入“services.msc”,然后按 Enter 键。 在“服务”窗口中,找到“Windows Update”服务,右键单击它,然后选择“停止”。 按下Win + R 键,打开“运行”对话框。 输入“%windir%softwaredistribution”,然后按 Enter 键。 删除“datastore”和“download”文件夹中的所有文件。 返回到“服务”窗口,右键单击“Windows ...
并未提示「恢复分区磁盘空间不足」,只提示0x80070643错。你就说,坑不坑吧。 幸好,前述URL就此可能的失败给了解决方案: KB5028997: Instructions to manually resize your partition to install the WinRE update https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/kb5028997-instructions-to-manually-resize-your-partition...
第一步: 打开 设置 > 应用 > 应用和功能 > 搜索 "Windows Subsystem for Linux Update" 手动尝试卸载,出现这个问题肯定会卸载失败,接着往下看。 第二步: 记下刚才搜索到的 Windows Subsystem for Linux Update 版本号,访问:WSL更新页面手动下载 例如,你搜索到的是 5.10.16 旧版本,就是下载 5.10.16 ,下载 ...
【⼩记】解决WindowsUpdate更新WSL内核出现0x80070643错 误问题(Wi。。。问题原因很简单:之前已经安装的 WSL 内核包因为不明原因损坏了,因为⽆法在后台卸载,就没有办法安装新的。问题解决:(Win10、Win11、WinServer2019、WinServer2022 通⽤)第⼀步:打开设置 > 应⽤ > 应⽤和功能 > 搜索 "...
When the Windows Update service crashes or errors, it may cause the 0x80070643 installation error. You can check whether the problem is solved by restarting the Windows Update service. Step1. Open the Services Press Win + R to open the Run dialog, type services.msc in the text box, and ...
I have not tried your suggestions yet and only recently noticed the same problem that others have had. Making the partition on the drive larger will be a new experience for me but, that is how I learned to keep all my machines running. Thanks and I will let you know how ...
Fixing Windows update error 0x80070643 with R-Drive Image Backup with Confidence R-Drive Image as a free powerful partition manager Computer Recovery and System Restore Disk Cloning and Mass System Deployment Accessing Individual Files or Folders on a Backed Up Disk Image R-Drive Image startup / ...
"There were some problems installing updates, but we'll try again later. If you keep seeing this and want to search the web or contact support for information, this may help: (0x80070643)" I have not been able to successfully install this critical security updat...
“0x80070643 - ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE” 重要提示:如果你的 Windows 设备未配置恢复环境,则不需要此更新 (KB5034440) 。 在这种情况下,可以忽略错误。 若要确定设备是否配置了恢复环境,请按照以下步骤检查 WinRE 状态: 以管理员身份 (cmd) 打开命令提示符窗口。
1.1Use Windows Update Troubleshooter 1.2Restart Windows Update Service 1.3Check and Repair System Files 1.4Free Up Disk Space Windows 10 Update error 0x80070643 You may also encounter this error on your Windows 10 device, error message stating, “There were some problems installing updates, but we...