I want to confirm with you if same problem happens with same error message when installing update via system built-in Windows Update component?Please check below DISM.EXE command, and try to repair Windows component using specific source file: DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth /S...
1 假设ERROR_SXS_COMPONENT_STORE_CORRUPT错误可能由某些内部系统故障(例如损坏的注册表项或损坏的系统文件)触发。因此,我们强烈建议您使用Reimage或其他PC优化工具执行完整的系统扫描。请注意,Reimage具有内置的防病毒系统,因此它可以消除和保护操作系统免受恶意软件的攻击。2 解决方案1.运行DISM扫描单击赢键+ X并选...
0x800f0982PSFX_E_MATCHING_COMPONENT_NOT_FOUND無法識別序列化的相符元件 例如,如果系統檔案有所損毀,可能無法安裝更新。 DISM 可協助您修正某些 Windows 損毀錯誤。 請查看此頁面,以了解Windows Update 疑難排解案例(部分機器翻譯)。 使用DISM 修復 Windows Update 損毀 ...
ERROR_SXS_ASSEMBLY_MISSING; The referenced assembly couldn't be found.Typically, a component store corruption caused when a component is in a partially installed state.Repair the component store withDism RestoreHealth commandor manually repair it with the payload from the partially installed component...
0x800f0831CBS_E_STORE_CORRUPTIONCBS 商店已损坏。 0x8007000DERROR_INVALID_DATA数据无效。 0x800F081FCBS_E_SOURCE_MISSING找不到此程序包或文件的源。 0x80073712ERROR_SXS_COMPONENT_STORE_CORRUPT组件存储处于不一致状态。 0x800736CCERROR_SXS_FILE_HASH_MISMATCH组件的文件与组件清单中的验证信息不匹配。
Repair the component store with Dism RestoreHealth command or manually repair it with the payload from the partially installed component. From an elevated command prompt, run these commands: DISM /ONLINE /CLEANUP-IMAGE /SCANHEALTH DISM /ONLINE /CLEANUP-IMAGE /CHECKHEALTH DISM /ONLINE /CLEANUP-IMAGE...
在此情況下,請使用指定 AddComponent 指示詞的擴充功能 INF 來建立可由 Windows Update 為目標的裝置節點,並在其上安裝韌體更新驅動程式。 INF 檔案中的下列代碼段示範如何執行此動作:INF 複製 [Manufacturer] %Contoso%=Standard,NTamd64 [Standard.NTamd64] %DeviceName%=Device_Install, PCI\DEVICE...
Update is superseded As updates for a component are released, the updated component will supersede an older component that is already on the system. When this issue occurs, the previous update is marked as superseded. If the update that you're trying to install already has a newer version of...
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing注意 此列表可能随时更新。当系统更新准备工具检测到不正确的清单、文件或注册表数据时,此工具可能会使用更正的数据替换不正确的数据。系统更新准备工具能够解决哪些 Windows Update 安装错误?下表列出了通过系统更新准备工具可能解决的 ...
3- When this process is completed, the Component Store is checked by running the following command again. Dism/Online/Cleanup-Image/CheckHealth If not, it should return as follows. Component store corruption not detected.