CBS_E_CANNOT_UNINSTALL;無法卸載套件。此錯誤通常是因為元件處於部分安裝狀態時造成元件存放區損毀。使用Dism RestoreHealth命令修復元件存放區,或使用部分安裝元件的承載手動修復。 在提升權限的命令提示字元中,執行下列命令: Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth ...
若要安裝適用於 Windows Microsoft 和 Microsoft Internet Explorer 產品更新的適當憑證,請遵循下列步驟: 從Microsoft 下載中心、Windows Update 目錄,或從 Microsoft Update 下載Microsoft產品更新。 如需如何從Microsoft下載中心下載產品更新的詳細資訊,請檢視如何從在線服務目錄取得Microsoft支持檔案。 如需如何從 Windows Up...
According to your description, you have tried to reset Windows Update components manually. The error code 0x80248014 is typically associated with problems related to the Windows Update service, and it may occur if the system cannot access the Windows Update server. Here are a few steps you...
CBS_E_CANNOT_UNINSTALL;無法卸載套件。此錯誤通常是因為元件處於部分安裝狀態時造成元件存放區損毀。使用Dism RestoreHealth命令修復元件存放區,或使用部分安裝元件的承載手動修復。 在提升權限的命令提示字元中,執行下列命令: Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /Restorehealth ...
CBS_E_CANNOT_UNINSTALL;无法卸载包。 通常此错误是由于组件处于部分安装状态时导致组件存储损坏。 使用Dism RestoreHealth 命令修复组件存储,或使用部分安装的组件中的有效负载手动修复。 在权限提升的命令提示符下运行以下命令:Dism.exe /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestorehealthSfc.exe /Scannow 重启设备。0x...
Cant update- Cumulative update preview for windows 10 version 20H2 for x64 - based systems (KB5004296) Any solution? HelloArush47 Please run the below commands in CMD. Ensure you run CMD as an admin. These commands will delete the Windows Update registry log on your machine an...
If Windows Update on your Windows 7 computer failed to download and install updates for you, check this guide and learn how to fix this!
Fix 'Windows Update cannot currently check for updates, Windows Update Service not running' error on Windows 7.
Windows updates may fail to install if there are corruption errors. You can check the Setup event log for errors. The following table lists the possible error codes for Windows Update for your reference: CodeErrorDescription 0x80070002ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUNDThe system cannot find the file sp...
Find solutions to the error: Windows Update cannot check for updates, because the service is not running. You may need to restart your computer.